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@hendrikdegrote @meerkat @curie @anwenbaumeister @kushed @steemitworldmap @twinner @liberosist @choogirl @mattclarke @pharesim @arcange @overkillcoin @thinknzombie @kubbyelizabeth @aussieninja @minnowsupport @pepelotzki @kennyroy @nameless-berk @gonair @leeart @locikll @etka @evecab @namiks @cooknbake @nickmorphew @remlaps @toreko @mahdiyari @vegoutt-travel @kristyglas @coachmelleow @nickiam @lpv @dcj @michelios @benleemusic @crimsonclad @aboutyourbiz @raphaelle @faraicelebr8 @gabrielatravels @positiveninja @stephie.spicer @massivevibration @rollthedice @pieter87 @markangeltrueman @gobbo @rolld20 @rolltwodice @xposed @astronomyizfun @chillingotter @niouton @discordiant @red-white-blue @silenteyes @hennifant @sanctus @linnyplant @tantawi @visualz @mayowadavid @bobdos @remlaps2 @wolf09 @bluchr @chimtivers96 @martibis @fidelpoet @jsf @alinabarbu @torico @infinitelearning @imamalkimas @pacokam8 @iwanderela @clweeks @ewuoso @theinspiredlife @enzor @maountainjewel @mjphoto @makrotheblack @faithcalls @katayah @phogyan @syakira-steem @helgapn @lenin-mccarthy and everyone else after :-* Mwahhh <3 Much LOVE from Bali, let me know when you come here
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You blow on two 6-sided dice, and throw:
First die lands...
You rolled a 3.
Second die lands...
You rolled a 1.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 19.
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 5.
Could you please not ping us like this anymore, I kind of find this a bit too much. Thank you.