I work for myself as well and even though I have a perfectly fine office at home I find that it actually helps me to go somewhere else. I live close to the beach so a cafe overlooking the ocean is not a bad place to have an office for the day. Besides that I find that I actually get more done as well because (believe it or not) I have less distractions! Apart from the occasional dip in the ocean haha.
Your point on wifi made me think about traveling through Africa for three months where every campsite said they had wifi, which they never did and even if they did, it was 'African wifi'. Like a lot of things in Africa, it just works (but not really). The 23 hours would have been 3 days there!
I used to have an office at my house, but I never got everything done there. There was too many distractions, that's why I got an office down in the city. I'm so much more efficient when I'm working there.
Sounds nice to go for a swim now and then, I can't really do that in cold ass Norway! :)
That sounds pretty simmilar to the WIFI I used in Kenya, it's frustrating, but also a bit charming. :)