The Wrong Time To Travel In This Days Corona Already Attack 157 Countries
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we've only been through three battles to navigate sprinting our guys to lose yeah and my planes can fly they can't even reach me I'm training mine to win so she's training hers to win who are you talking to on the phone over yo why are you calling the police battle my planes no holla win she already has three cars notice you have a phone behind you okay what but I thought you said you don't want to come okay okay I think that's the first time I've ever heard music here in the woods outside of our house so that's pretty cool to know what we have neighbors who are here a lot of our neighbors from Earth from Canada so we don't really get to see them a whole lot or often also some good news the weather is great coronavirus is out and we're going to go somewhere it looks like we're gonna have a two-day vacation up north North Florida of course my guys from Israel are here the course as well so we're gonna go meet them they were supposed to go back on the plane because flights are getting shut down but they're safe super excited to meet them though and I think we're gonna do a couple more things while we're there we're just going to chill out basically the town we're gonna go to is a beach town so we're gonna have the time at the beach and then we're gonna eat at a nice restaurant it's also gonna be st. Patty's Day so it'll be all-around great and I think the kids are really ready to go as far as the pets go it looks like we might have Grandma come over and it's only gonna be a couple of days how can a girl ride a bike okay that sounds interesting are you gonna ride your bike Martin want to get the handlebar to their first Abigail see the handlebar stuck up peanut I found Q on the Triple Aim before where then do we have squirrels come in here with peanuts Abigale save beep beep first we don't know you're coming there goes Rudy Rudy and so are they starts go get him Rudy go get him oh she got something maybe we do have something around here go on ready go play here you go and while it's great that my friends just suddenly they all of a sudden knew that it's good there's been a lot of meetings in the background and the air force for them to stay or to go back because of the coronavirus and the closing of borders basically our air borders so anyway it made me now have to abruptly plan everything out a very short term I did have ideas before but all the hotel searches and such for me we are obsolete now so I'm gonna have to redo the research today we have to edit more vlogs today to be able to go out there and have fun while you guys have the content to view with all that being said because I didn't really know what was gonna go on I let my hair grow out as long as possible but obviously that's gonna have to change so you can see a haircut we're gonna have a lot of other things we're gonna do today mainly just preparing to go in Israel it took me about I'd say about 30 minutes to an hour to get everything ready to go or a three day or two day camp out here