Wherever a Norwegian travel, a Norwegian will hike

in #travel7 years ago

So after 4 days of exploring the busy streets of Cape Town and the industrial area of Woodstock (we're working after all) it was time for some proper hiking. It turns out, CPT has endless opportunities when it comes to vertical adventures. First up: Lions Head.

Panorama, anyone?

I believe it's called Lions Head for a reason


Absolutely stunning views on the way up

Mission: Accomplished!

The compulsory "sitting here contemplating, while I take in this earth-porn moment" pose...

CPT by dusk - Photocred to the one and only @arnfinn

Anyways - we got to the top just as it was getting dark, and on the way back, daylight was dropping fast. I decided it would be a good challenge to run all the way back to the Airbnb apartment via Signal Hill which is the next point on the ridge. Long story short: 6km later, I tumbled my way down a near vertical mud wall through a maze of razor sharp brushwood and shrubby plants, barely making it to the apartment before everything turned pitch black. For a minute there I felt like an ultrarunner. @raelynnbianca would be proud :D Note to self: Don't run in Cape Town in the middle of the night. Down a mountain. With no headlight. Alone.


Hahah I’m so proud! Sounds like quite the adventure!!

Damn! Det siste bildet ser jo helt magisk ut :o

Kunne ikke vært mer enig med tittelen heller, we came, we saw, we hiked!

Hahaha @fredrik det stemmer godt LOL

Ååå! Jeg skulle ikke ha jobbet mens dere var på denne turen! Fine bilder.

Jesus! Fantastisk utsikt - ikke vanskelig å komme seg ut på en treningsøkt i slike omgivelser 👍