Pretty excited about my plans for the weekend.
Saturday night I'll be out hunting Diamondbacks in the Sonoran Desert!
My plan is to harvest venom, which of course requires the snake to be live.
I've handled snakes before but nothing poisonous (no innuendo intended). The forecast calls for 115°F in the desert this weekend so we'll be going out at night after it cools off (guess visibility could be a problem).
My buddy has been on snake round-ups before so he knows where to find them, but he said he won't touch the snakes so it's all up to me!
What could go wrong?
Anyone have any tips or suggestions?
I will of course take lot's of pictures and post an update afterward (from the hospital?)
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wow nice places! what will you do with the venom?
Not sure yet, it's my first time. But I hear you can get a lot of money for it because they use it to make anti-venom, which is very expensive. I'll be doing research about it until Saturday. Guess I should post my findings here.
Just made a post on what I plan to do with the venom...