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RE: Epic Uganda – An 11 Day Blitz of a Beautiful Country.

in #travel7 years ago

Wow, beautiful country and amazing photos! good guide if he nearly would step on cobra :D it's quite frustrating for me how little I know about African countries. I would love to go there one day


That is one of the reasons I was so excited about going there was precisely because of how little I knew about Africa, especially sub Saharan africa . one of the things that blew me away from the very beginning is how damn good African fruits and veg are. There is definitely something to be said for not having your farming sector taken over by massive multinational chemica corporations. I really hope you manage to explore Africa more, next up for me I think I would like to see either Namibia or Senegal and then the rest of the continent obviously :). I want to see it all all all all all, life's too short. Much love and thanks for your support!

Put it in your bucket lists and be comfortable because you have a Steemian in Uganda...