Break Away From The Luck
Sometimes no matter how much effort you put into playing a proper brand of poker, sometimes the cards will simply not fall in your favor. I have been on a very personal shitty run of cards for the past 10-15 days. The in past week really solidified my belief in needed a little break from poker.
The last 5 online sessions I have played in, whether it be a ring game or tournament, I have lost in absolute brutal fashion. Losing with the second nuts three days in a row. And losing big. What capped my decision to step away for a day or two was what happened to me early this morning...
I ended up falling asleep last night a little early and that caused me to wake up this morning around 7. I was all caught up on my SPL duties by 7:45 so I decided to venture on over to Zone 8 for breakfast (amazing pork belly grits). Zone 8 is a sports bar that just happens to be located inside Casino M8Trix, who just happens to have a poker room. I decided to check out the action, I mean early AM is a good as time as any to start your 'going pro experiment'. I sat down with $200 at a 1-3 NL game. I came in right on the BB so my timing was perfect. It was still quite early, but the table had six people seated already; with me it was seven. Anything over five players and i'm happy. The first 10 mins went by with nothing but folds. Then finally it was time for me to make some money, I was on the cut off, and looking down at pocket nines. It was mostly folded around to me, so I raised to $15. The button calls, small blind folds, BB calls. The pot is at least, $45 at this point. Flop comes [9 J 2]. BB checks, I bet $20 into pot. Button calls, BB folds. Turn falls a [7]. Feeling pretty good about my hand, and ready to take down the pot, I fire away with $50 bet. The button thinks about it for less than 10 seconds, and calls. At this point I have no clue what my opponent has. I put him on a pair of jacks, or maybe a AK. If he had a straight, surely he would reraise at this point. River is dealt a [10]. I start inner cursing the demons to drop such a shit card on the river. Now this dude only needs an 8 and he has me crushed. I frustratingly check, desperately hoping he is weak and checks. He proceeds to bet $100 (which put me all in) into the $185 or so pot. I think it was at that very moment I decided to "tell poker fuck off" for a while, but I was in it this deep, I had to see things through. I took a solid couple minutes, and talked myself into believing he is making a move. I call...
He turns over pocket 10s. FUCK YOU POKER. My first session lasted a whopping $45 mins before my soul was crushed by the river donk.
The Getaway
I need to getaway for the rest of the day. No way could I think about poker or anything else really. Needed to blaze away from everyone and everything. For me solitude helps for all the bullshit, so I headed to Santa Cruz to stare at the ocean for a while.
I got baked while marveling at the infinite sea, and in that moment, poker was non-existent.
Cowabunga dudes.
My god, how fucking awesome would a house overlooking the ocean be?!
Surfs up.
Ha such a bad ass classic. Could totally get baked in here.
A bird chillin on a tree.
When In Rome Err Santa Cruz
My bud had me rather cotton mouthed, so I needed to find me a tasty beverage. Well, when in Santa Cruz, do as in Santa Cruz.
Fresh pressed carrots, orange, passion fruit juices.
Tough break BigP. Fuck you poker is right. I've suffered from a lot of fuck you poker moments lately. Not on Sunday, poker was glorious that day. But the rest of the time. You did the best thing possible by enjoying nature and relaxing. Hopefully your next update will involve taking out some donks on the felt. Good luck.
'not on sunday' blah blah blah BLAH. :angry face:
Please, no spam. It makes me sick.
Haha, I hope so brother. Thanks for the support as always. And nice fucking win on Sunday!
Hope you don't mind me commenting about that hand. Everything is pretty standard there expect maybe your preflop sizing and he not 3 betting pre. You have to call that river bet. If you are folding a set that means you are folding everything expect straights and that is so exploitable .
Of course, not. Thanks for the analysis. And yes you are correct about the bet sizes being off.
Amazing photography
Great photos and a great blog with excellent information. I will definitely go to this
place one day. This is the first post of you which I read and I loved it. I am going to read every past and future posts of you. I hope every
post will be as good as this one.
Yes, everything will be great, because you are great and I am great and everything is super great.
I don't think I've ever seen someone commit to reading every past and future post, that's a new strategy. Good for him
You mean great for him.
Whoops, you right. Keep it up @jhonysins!
I love those moments dear,you should enjoy every sec of them,FUCK YOU POKER rofl
Haha, yes indeed. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment.
Breaks are much needed when everything is going downhill, it feels like its impossible to win even with the nuts on the flop/turn. Sometimes its the other way around where u feel unstoppable and hit everything hard. I take a whole week off when its going downhill. Goodluck in the future with poker !
Thank you. And you are absolutely correct. Luck comes in spans. Good and bad.
Poker is a mean Bitch sometimes.