Romantic place in Ukraine.
The Tunnel of Love is a section of industrial railway located near Klevan, Ukraine, that links it with Orzhiv.The name given to the locals is one of the most beautiful places in the country of Klevan.
In the months of May to August, the spring and summer months, if you come to the Love Tunnel, there is a green ceiling of the horns and branches of the trees above you.
They say that if the young couples go through the tunnel and whisper their aspirations. Their dreams become reality.
Ukrainian tunnel love belongs to a private factory,This tunnel is actually a locomotive locomotive of a private food production plant.
It's interesting to know that no manpower has been involved in the creation of this beautiful landscape.
The beauty of the love tunnel is not just for spring and summer, it also has its own beauty in the winter and autumn.
Although the tunnel is not long, this vibrant nature inside the tunnel is enough for a short time to stare eyes.
Additionally, this tunnel is also used as a great venue for filming brides and grooms
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Great post. I want to go there. I have not been there yet.
thanks my friend ,go and take wonderful image
Nice post with great pictures :)
thanks alot
I love ❤️ it! I will try to see it go myself some day.
Waoh is amazing... beautiful place.... nice post.
Thanks my friend
You're welcome :)
What a gorgeous place!
Thanks my friend I posted new about travel I think that good for you if you like it please upvote or resteem my post
very good pic
Thanks my friend please again visit my page
I was there))) Amazing place)
What's a splendid place. Great scenery for professional sessions - like weddings 👰. I wish I could walk through the tunnel of greenish oasis. Thank you for your excellent post. Up my friend :-)