Travel diary in Japan, by @japon (translation from French)

in #travel7 years ago

Carnet de voyage au Japon.This is an authorized translation in English of a post in French by @japon:

I have always been passionate about Japan, without really knowing why. Is it the culture that is so fascinating or the Japanese themselves? It started with the discovery of bonsai, a devouring passion that I gave myself to for a few years. New professional orientations forced me to slow down a bit, but the attraction for Japan was still there.

Yet I was still putting off a trip to Japan. It was not necessarily procrastination but rather the fear that this country that attracted me so much would not match the dream I had.

And then early 2016, I decided to plan a trip to the Land of the Rising Sun. But as on one hand I do not like to do things halfway and that on the other hand I would be traveling alone, I decided to learn Japanese. For me it was important to be able to get in touch with the local population, perhaps to try to understand them better.

I quickly realized that learning Japanese on the Internet would be impractical, so I decided to take classes. I found a Japanese teacher not far from my house, and we started seeing each other an hour every week. I hung on, with ups and downs. Over the weeks, we established a certain complicity. I started to make my first sentences, and we talked more and more about Japan. These moments were precious to me, especially to hear a Japanese talk about her country really made me think.

The date of departure was approaching, October 2017. I had chosen this period due to professional constraints and this period is also quite calm in Japan. Fewer tourists, a still mild climate. The last few weeks were passing at a crazy speed.

Japan has always held an important place in my life. And as I was devouring documentation and literature I thought it would be nice to share this with other people who would like to go on a trip. In life, I was creating websites. After designing a lot for customers, I wanted to create one for myself. And as you never do better than what you do with passion, I created the website

This helped me to plan my trip to Japan. I have gradually embellished the website with many photos, although much work remains to be done.

Takayama then return to Tokyo. I had made my hotel reservations in advance in order not to waste time when I am there.October 9, 2017, here I was on the plane to Tokyo. A 3 weeks stay with a tour between Tokyo, [Kamakura(, Mount Fuji, Kyoto, Osaka,

Once arrived, the first day was a bit difficult. The time difference, and especially the luggage that was stuck during the transfer to Amsterdam. I had waited so long for this moment, that once I was there, I was a little lost. I wanted to make the most of it without knowing where to start.

I spent an hour or so wandering around Ueno Park, watching, photographing. I was there. Gradually, I got in the mood. First meal, first exchange in Japanese, let's go. I took the subway and I went to Asakusa, immortalizing this moment with a selfie in front of the famous door. On this first day, it was hot (it will not last, I will have rain for most of the rest of the trip).

From the second day, the visits followed each other and never stopped. I had the odd feeling of being at home, in my element.

As for the continuation, it will be for a next post, in which I will make you share my impressions of Japan and of the Japanese culture.

Si tu comprends le français et que tu as lu jusque là, tu devrais suivre @japon et lire ses articles en français.


I've never been to Japan, I'm very interested. Thank you.

Your post is making me so excited for my trip to Japan in August! My sister is currently over there teaching english so I'll have my very own tour guide! I cant wait to experience the culture there in Japan I have heard the respect is unreal. She told me a time when there was at a restaurant and a small earth quake happen and everyone had to leave the building, she said the next day everyone had ended up going back and paying for their meals. If that had happen here at a restaurant I would highly doubt anyone would go back and pay.

looks like am not the only one looking to travel there , will be going for the CEATec confrence in october

your post remind me of my last trip to Tokyo. I also visited Asakusa!
I hope you have a nice trip!

I have always wanted to visit Japan since I was a todler. The good things I had heard about it since childhood were too juicy to be ignored.This post has just butressed that desire.I will get my VISA processed righ away. Thank you @vcelier

Neat! (๑✧‿✧๑) I was there October 2015, and took a similar route.

And that's a very nice website you've created (๑•‿•๑). Though I'd really have to brush up and study French to read it all (๑˃﹏˂). I'll just use the translate button for now (๑˃‿˂). I'll bookmark that for future reference.

Japan great country, great and friendly people excellent work culture and technology long live Japan

Your translator's translation has been very good, well you can share your experiences in other countries, I hope someday I will be able to leave my country to know other places and cultures.

Thank you apparently you also like to go to Asia, in Indonesia also offers many beautiful scenery. I invite you also to come to Indonesia.

I love Japan. I wish if I could also go there. Especially when I look Tokyo in pictures, it's so amazing.

Amazing photos! I hope you enloyed your trip and had a nice travel!!!

Japan, people or place??

I believe the place has become amazing due to the people who live there !!! Amazing innovation they have there!!! Such amazing innovation I say.

We keep on finding a solution for every problem, They have a “product” for every problem!!! 😂

Cute guys they are !!

It must have been hard to learn japanese man !! You are one stubborn person I can see !!
Nice post !! 👍🏻


looks like you are fully prepared for the journey, japan is on my bucket list and would like to visit the CEATec confrence in october

this web site is an amazing output from japan trip. it is designed so professionally and it have much content. thanks for all of them @vcelier

Whatever you shared in this post .really i am very exited to visit beautiful place not only japan
There are lots of beautiful place in world .for these place visit our life is very little .
In travel we needs some important things
Example money cloth phone earphone etc every thing is in pic
Maybe you love to see different place because i love also to different and beautiful place
Thanks for reminding my dream..
Thank you very much.
Have a nice travel.

10 out of 10 for this great and enlightening

nice post.thanks for shearing.
very nice place sir. for sharing...
carry on dear...

japanese city is a beautiful comrade, nice photography

thank you for sharing my friends, i have been able to enjoy it like you enjoy though through the platform, maybe in the future you will share the beautiful, @ jhoni likes, thank you very much for sharing @vcelier

Wow, tour website is great. Good information on Japan on there for sure. Thanks.

My dream country to be!!! Always hoping for that moment that i’ll be able to go to Japan.. thanks for sharing your experience :)

Japanese are manufacturing a quality product items, wanted to buy things from there as well...

We hope to someday go to Japan as well.

i think the culture about this country is most fascinating and then obvioisly the people as well

Great blog @vcelier. I am fan of Japanese culture so I really wanted to visit Japan soon. Japan is very unique and interesting country to do sightseeing . Your blog makes me want to experience their culture so thank you for sharing. Looking forward to your next blog about Japan.

So you are at land of Rising sun and here I am still stuck in my bed with no sun for few days because it's snowing 😂

One of Japan's most admired is his spirit. If you want to learn Chinese, I can help you :)

Fantastic post! :)

have a nice trip and safe journey :)

Awesome blog! I respect your writing style. Have you ever been to Hokkaido, Japan before? If not, please visit Hokkaido too! I would like to read your blog about Hokkaido.

Wow..Thank u !!👍

I've always wanted to know Japan, I've always been a curious person regarding cultures from other parts of the world and this country particulary always it has drawn my attention. I love minimalism and how ordered they are. The out of the ordinary things that can be found are innumerable and this It makes me feel intrigue about it. Amazing post!

Such a beautiful post, and so glad you finally decided to embark in this journey. I´ve always wanted to visit and I myself considered japan more than once as my destiny for my exchange programs but i always ended up choosing somewhere with a more friendly language. I definitely wish to visit now!

How exciting!! It's always been my dream to go to Japan. Especially for their delicious cuisine, yum!
I wish you an amazing stay there! Can't wait to see more posts

I have never been to japan but it is on my bucket list. Impressive that you learned the language for your trip. My wife and o travel somewhere different each year. I try to learn a few phrases for each trip to at least endear myself a little to the locals. It sounds like an exciting adventure unraveling on steemit.

This is a very interesting post. I would love to explore Japan one day!

awesome! Ive always wanted to go to Japan,like you I find Japanese culture very intriguing. Thanks for sharing!

I went to visit this temple too! :) Did you get your fortune? :)

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