Motorcycle Travel Series by @velimir 'Green Market' (Part #269)

in #travel7 years ago

'Green Market'


Today I rode the motorcycle to the green market. It is a sunny day, one of those which you don't want to spend inside. The weather is great for this time of year and I'm taking advantage of the fact. The city always hides something interesting, even though it might be only a simple walk and a cup of coffee with a friend. Small things, remember?

In the times before supermarkets, all of the fresh food was sold right at this place. I remember it overflowing with people back then. Food was much healthier, too. Nobody used chemistry to keep it look fresh, as they do in the back rooms of large vegetable vendors. I knew a guy who worked there and he told me all about it. Disgusting. Therefore, I prefer to buy from those guys. Green markets are important.

We have quite a choice of fruits. Well, we are not Brazil where people don't even know the names of half the fruits on sale. I've seen a documentary on that. It was pretty shocking to see piles of fruit, I had no clue existed. Wish I can taste some of their stuff. These are all well-known fruits tasting familiar.

Homemade honey. A friend of mine had bees. They all died in a couple of months. He never figured out why. They were not sick. Just day by day the numbers thinned. They say there are several factors for the bees dying all over Europe. Some say that their navigation systems get jammed by cell towers, others say they die from the pesticides, third blame the mites. Whatever it is, it's just not good. Believe it or not, without bees there is no life on the planet.

This is the place where they sell dry fruits, nuts and all sort of imported stuff, like goji berry and alike. Some of these are full of elements and minerals important for the human body. Eating these can prevent the need for supplements. I don't believe much in supplements, either. All the stuff we need should come to our bodies from healthy, unpoisoned, balanced nutrition. All else is just stories and someone's business strategy.

Enjoy your day! :-)

©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

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Good to see that others than me appreciate ecologic vegetables.
But, I got really curios of what kind of bike you are riding?
I am a Harley fan and at the moment I am riding a Softtail SlimS 2017 modell.
Got inspired by your blog to writ an own motorbike blog, just have to wait until the snow goes away.
Looking froward to see more bike post from you.
Harley logo.png
Kindest regards
Hi @Velimir @Gyldenhorn

Here too it is sunny today. We had rain four days ago and I was so happy because it was raining after two months.
You are right about fresh vegetables and super markets, i have experienced that a lot of times. Seeing pictures of these fruits and I am like i want to eat each of them 😂

You have a lot of opportunities to buy fresh and organic vegetables and produce. Although judging by your words supermarkets wanting small sellers.

We have a similar situation. Previously you could come into the market and see a myriad of small traders. There was a lot of selection of natural greenery and fruits. With the advent of supermarkets (and his small daughters) small traders were forced out of the market. They left very little. Primarily people comfortably and profitably in part to buy food in supermarkets. But the quality of these products does not always conform to expectations. However, the demand is there and I think this is due to the marketers.
I remembered the words of Einstein about bees:

If the bees become extinct , four years after that, and people will die.

In a news resource I've read that in my country there is a big problem with the extinction of bees. They accuse in this changing climate. Certain types of bees are adapted to a particular climate (depending on Habitat). Therefore, they can not tolerate changes in temperature and humidity. Don't know true or not.

I think that as long as there is the possibility we have to enjoy the gifts of nature. . While they are there. Especially honey is a great versatile product with broad scope.:)
Thank you

I'm going to town today to a 'market'. We have several, based mainly on the growers. I'm going to the organic market today.

My neighbor is a dried fruit vendor. He built his own dryer, and grows his own apples to dry. I usually manage to score some of it before it goes to his business :)

The bees are a major concern to me, an easy bellwether of the health of the planet in general. It seems to be not so good right now.

Thanks for a great look at a great place. I like it!

Traditional markets are a meeting place for sellers and buyers in the presence of direct sale and purchase transactions and there is usually a bargaining process,

the building usually consists of kiosks or outlets, stalls and open bases opened by the seller or a market manager.

The selling price of everyday items such as food ingredients, fish, fruit, vegetables, eggs, meat, cloth, clothing electronic goods, services and others. From the institutional side, the different characteristics of the management of modern markets and traditional markets are apparent from the management institutions.

In the traditional market, the institutional manager of the building by the Office of Market which is part of the bureaucratic system. While the modern market, commonly managed by professionals with a business approach. In addition, the system respectively.

While in modern systems, more centralized management system that allows the management of its parent. Traditional markets are still able to survive and compete in the midst of modern market invasion in various forms.

Was thinking of going to the market this morning, we only have markets on the weekends, are your markets open everyday?

Have you ever been to Ottawa, Canada? We have a great market downtown where you can get fresh veggies and flowers as well as lots of different items from the various craftspeople who sell their merchandise there. It is open throughout the whole week during the summer but there are so many people there on the Weekends that it almost feels like an event.

I cannnot but agree with you that going to this kind of market where you can get to buy fresh vegetable and fruits instead of the ones in the stores that is all filled with preservatives.And this preservatives does more harm than good.I have decided to cut down on taking canned stuff.I am now a green person.I just upvoted this post.thumbs up.@velimir Thanks for showing us your journey to the green market.When i saw your the title of your post,I thought to myself,why green market?But as I got through your post,I then saw the reason why the market is called a green market.

Que buena nota es realizar unas compras de la forma que las has hecho.
Todo fresco, todo verde, todo sano.
Hortalizas, verduras, frutas, frutos secos y hasta miel (esencial para todos los seres vivientes aunque muchos no lo crean).
Los cultivos libres de pesticidas parecen garantizar la salud del ser humano, aves, roedores, etc.
Las abejas juegan un papel de suma importancia en el equilibrio de la naturaleza. Contribuyen a la polinización y generan una actividad económica productiva y que ayuda a su preservación.
El gran enemigo de las avejas es el hombre a través del uso de los pesticidas.
Por cierto, las tomas geniales y el matiz rojo que utilizaste fue estupendo.
Muy buena puntuación.
Saludos y como siempre Gracias.Hola amigo @velimir

Great travel photos!

The filter you use on your picture makes them very warm 👍

you loving to drive motorcycle.i hope you enjoy to travel green market of good thing.alots of fruits,jelly,almond to see your photo.its reallly spending good moment to travel of green market drive to of luck of your travel sir.very well done.thanks to sharing for your good post. @velimir

you are amazing .always happy ,you are having positivity inside you.

drive by motorcycle to visit places that look very fun to the traditional market ...
the picture of the market situation is not much different from the market in my residence Jakarta Indonesia ... thank you for posting you add my insight .

good posting

the atmosphere is still fresh and natural, green market is a place that is suitable for us to shop for goods that are still fresh and a very simple atmosphere like that very rarely encountered and feels very exciting when there is especially with someone as if someone who accompany us down the places the beautiful one

Nice market you have there...thanks for sharing

Great post dear & excellent photography enjoy your life with a great travel keep sharing hope you enjoyed this
You have a good day to day
i wish you all the best

Yah that was a great a experience for him out there.keep driving

Thank you sir.....

Beauty day out and about enjoying the wonderful things in life.

Nice post!!!
Excellent images too
The part i love most is..
"All images and text published in this post are my original work. I encourage everyone to use own texts, thoughts and images as much as possible. Be yourself and stay yourself. This is a proper way to build I do not have respect for dishonest authors. Also, bloggers actually DO matter!"
Thanks for challenging us to grow........

Hi @velimir, very nice pics, beautiful colors, good job.

wow love this..i miss reading this post for sometime..i really like the way you write things :)

Thanks a lot for his attention and I understand with your busy life

this is the rice in my village. and in my place there is no fruit lucky people there fruit.saya hope you like this picture.

I love these fresh fruit and veggie markets.
I remember them when I was a little girl living in Poland. That is how we would buy our veggies and fruit and it would smell so good.

Excelent post, so creative. :)

welcome... i always try to visited your post love u