Looking through the pictures that I took the last couple of days, this one in particular drew my attention. We were at a concert, Friday night, where all kinds of philharmonic orchestras showed their skills and lack of skills. I shot some videos and took a handful of pictures.
The videos weren't great, the light sucked, and the acoustic of the theater was mediocre, to say the least. Nevertheless, this one photo stood out. If you look at it carefully, you can see a black ghost at the right. Something I didn't spot while taking the picture. Pretty creepy, right?
All kidding aside, I watched Ghostbusters tonight, the 1984 movie. I hadn't seen it in a long, long time (20 years or so) and remembered very little of it. It's a fun movie. You might wanna give it a (re)watch yourself.
Who you're gonna call? Ghostbusters!
Tomorrow is my last day in Ronda. Today, I tried to take it easy. I spent most of the day inside, due to hours of rain. And when the weather was a little better, I went for a two hour walk. I managed to shoot some pictures, even though I started my walk with the intention not to take any photos and to just be mindful, in the moment. Nevertheless, it's just a very picturesque place and I couldn't help myself.
On Monday, I will be moving further south, to the utter south of Spain, Tarifa, which is extremely close to Gibraltar.
For now, I will leave you with a handful of pictures of Ronda.
Disfrutalo y hasta la próxima vez!
Great... LOL. Now the Ghost Busters thee song is stuck in my head...
Hope you enjoy that 'earworm'. It's a good one.
Het minder goede weer heeft ook een voordeel: unieke foto's.
Natuurlijk, binnen moeten blijven tijdens je vakantie is nooit leuk.
Gracias por las fotos y hasta la proxima...
De nada :>)
Het voordeel van regenachtig weer, is dat het makkelijker is om te bloggen.
Ik heb niet het gevoel dat ik 'vanwege mooi weer' naar buiten moet (een typisch Nederlands gevoel). Tegelijkertijd probeer ik me niet teveel door het weer te laten beïnvloeden. Je hebt er hoe dan ook geen invloed op, je kunt je er enkel op kleden.
Buen dia!
Buena manera de pensar!
Buen viaje. (jij kunt je Spaans nu wel goed oefenen...)
the first one is scary bro , jajajaja may be is your ghost-friend
It looks a lot like the silhouette of my father, who is in The Netherlands right now.
Scary indeed.