Wander Vlog: Wednesday Shopping Specials in Sydney

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Wednesday Specials

Why shop for groceries on a Wednesday in Sydney? It's clearance day and some items from the previous week are on sale to give way to new stock items. You get more option as this is the first day of the "specials".

Supermarkets like Woolworths and Coles have an online catalogue so you can check out the specials before you head to their store.

In this vlog, I'm sharing some items I got at half the price including chocolates! :)

I'm trying to make the most of my AUD while here in this expensive but lovely city.

unknown error when submitting the post? Took me since yesterday to get this done @dtube any fix on an

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is this you? you have a beautifull face...

yup that's me haha thanks @ami92 :)