
hey, what's with all the hate & disrespect?

This was the first and only time that I've travelled with an agency and it was a great experience. Our guide was a Vietnamese local from Hanoi. He actually quit his job shortly after this tour and then started his own private tour company. What do you know about tours?

And it's a shame that you stopped reading after "agency", because you might benefit from a little English lesson or too. I took a peek at a few of your travel posts and I suggest that you run your content through a spell check before posting. The community here deserve a little better than that.

I'm just giving you back what you deserve. :) Take care! :)

Well actually I am paying for proofreading. Last month was the bill 150 eur. So I would be glad if you show me some mistakes and I can make compliment to my proofread guy. I think this is constructive critic! I gave you also one, just didn't expaine it. I will now.

Now I read it through and I have still the same opinion. All those toured things you saw were a fake Vietnam. And this is why are tours bad. And it doesn't matter if the guide is local or not. You should visit at least Sapa, still tourist show but a bit more realistic.

Your post isn't worth that much reward you got. That must be also a reason I "attacked you". I didn't find one good info in it. Why you don't wtite some details. Why is there so many bikes, why is architecture like it is, and so one.

I was in Vietnam. I ate a dog, sleep on hard floor with locals, drank the real kopi luwak ( I am afraid you didn't tried the real one. Beacuse there is around 70% fake ones. If you paid less than 8$ for your coffee it can be fake), I smoked weed with the local tribe and 4 years old kid stuffed it into the Bamboo pipe, I was on a train, the only white guy, I saw the real fight sights, not the museum so called CCTunnels. There is around 300km underground system...

However what my point is tours doesn't gives you the real picture. There is another place better looking than Halong Bay, without tourist and stupid canoes, which are now banned anyway. Try to be more specific in your posts, don't throw out just a trip advisor review. We are hungry for something more you know. But anyway this is up to you. You are making money here on Steemit, so it doesn't matter.

It is hard to find good travel posts anyway. Here I will show you where I am staying now in Kuala Lumpur. I bet you won't find things like this on blog. Why? Beacuse people aren't honest or they show only what tour guy showed them.

I am honest and yes some find it disrespectful in it. But I rather see it that way and maybe change mind in someone like you, who is spending their money for travel and see fake picture. Open you eyes.

Regards and apologizes for any hard feelings.

