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RE: top traveling destination #4 : France

in #travel7 years ago

I did not like Paris one bit, many people are extremely rude towards tourists especially those that don't speak French and tourist hotspots were overcrowded. I spent three days there and was refused information service for not being able to make myself understood in French at the metro, got yelled at asking for clarification on a lunch menu, been misdirected twice by locals in search of (nearby) landmarks and was treated rudely on public transportation (by employees).

Honorable mention to a French lady that went out of her way to help us out when we got lost in the metro and we were refused assistance. She apologized several times for the rudeness of the metro personel.

Can't recommend spending much time there but other parts of France were much more enjoyable and people tend to be much nicer outside of Paris. City is beautiful but my experience with Parisiens in general is horrific.