Oh my God, I cannot believe that it's you, Brian! This post made me remember some of the best times I have ever spent traveling (San Marcos is still my favorite place ever). Your place is truly amazing, man! I hope that San Marcos is just as awesome as it was back in 2016. Say hello to all the people and animals that are still there! I miss every single creature I met in that little town haha. I occasionally remember Hostal Del Lago with a smile on my face and promise myself to come back to visit one day, and I will do that for sure one day. Man, it is an awesome surprise to see you on Steemit.
"those that don't like it...are more than welcome to bitch on TripAdvisor ...with the rest of the lame needy fucks that should have stayed in their perfect countries!" - also, I know that you are not kidding saying this haha
sweet to connect again! yeah....i started getting into crypto in may after dabbling around for years reading but never getting in. in august i had a month off and spent most that time researching and developing a thesis for my investment profile. in the process of researching i found steemit. i was like...hmmm, this fits right into my search for coins with actual utility. so i joined. i floundered around for the first few weeks. almost ditched it. then i got this kooky idea that i needed to give it a proper chance. i made a 60 days...60 posts challenge to myself. the start was lonely...nobody caring...no friends... in my real life people would laugh at me openly for making .15 cents or less on a post...but i kept saying...well, im doing this for me...maybe someday. eventually a small groups of friends and followers arrived. now im loving it. i still dont make tons of money or anything...but i have brought like 15 people to the platform am active and figure that several of us all growing together will eventually all crawl out of the depths of noobness. you are lucky being an early adopter... i guess back in the day it must have been a bit easier engaging and growing? anyway...great to find you!!! and yeah...ill say hi to folks for you and please do come back...you are always welcome!!