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RE: πŸŽ‰ Silent Disco Birthday Party - The acrobatic way! (FULL video inside)πŸŽ‰

in #travel β€’ 8 years ago (edited)

Heya! Same ole same ole!

Looks like BTC is tanking a bit... some nasty red candles :/. Should have sold at the top, but it's not easy to do!

Made some nice money on bitcoin-cash. This was the recent 'fork' from bitcoin. Now, there's no way I'd want to touch this (I.e. own it) with a 20 foot pole πŸ˜‚(because it was created not to have segwit, but I think segwit is a great technical improvement!). But, it was clearly at the bottom, so there's only one thing to do - BUY (like $150k's worth) :) Then, I placed sell orders all the way to 2x of the price at the bottom. Someone was buying this... I have no idea why hehe! Also ethereum is still doing great...but it will be time to sell soon I believe ;). Anyway, another nice $100k at least from those trades. But I fear the days of this 'free' money will come to end soon!

Other than that, episode 4 of GoT was awesome! Definitely the best series so far I'd say.

Plus I'm still being bugged by people spamming my posts with 'please upvote'. I think I might create an 'ironic' post about it, haha.... but I just want to be sure I don't come accross like one of 'arrogant'/'evil' GoT characters (there are many)... want to try to remain 'nice' like Jon SnowπŸ˜‚ Thought? Lol.

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OH NO... I don't want the days of free money to end! AHHH 100k of free money sounds pretty good right now. I think you could buy your white castle in cash now. HAHA

Lol good time to upvote my post, you'll hit the 29 min mark and make da free monies that way :P It will just take longer than your usual 100k trades hehehe

OOo still working on catching up! ahhh Dragon girl is amazing.. shes about to fight/take over another city! :) Her and the little girl Arya are my fav!

HAHA... well whenever I see people bugging you, I could just post pictures of winter is coming... maybe that will tip them off :P... which I couldn't help myself today and already did. The problems of being a Lord, hahaha!

Thanks. I maybe might make my post....think it might include 'dragon girl' herself!πŸ˜‰

This is because I think it will be a great fit for the content she is really hotπŸ˜‚

HAHAHHA... Well I'd upvote that! :) She is really hot πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Yea making the post wouldn't be a terrible idea, and I don't think people will think you are a jerk for making it. You are Jon Snow, everyone loves him!

Aww..... spoiler alert!!!! 😾😼😸
