With Goldmoney you do invest online. When you add funds they purchase and vault gold on your behalf. You can get a prepaid credit card and purchase with any merchant that accepts Mastercard. Your moving your government back fiat money to a 100% gold backed account. When gold goes up your account goes up, and Im betting that gold will keep rising for many years as the global debt keeps rising.
Goldmoney is a financial technology company that allows you to easily buy and spend gold!
@Goldmatters thank you for the feedback. At this time I prefer to invest online than gold.
Maybe next time.
With Goldmoney you do invest online. When you add funds they purchase and vault gold on your behalf. You can get a prepaid credit card and purchase with any merchant that accepts Mastercard. Your moving your government back fiat money to a 100% gold backed account. When gold goes up your account goes up, and Im betting that gold will keep rising for many years as the global debt keeps rising.
well said!!