I continue to share with you photos of my journey to the mountains, about the beginning of which I told you yesterday. My friends and I went further along the ridge and stumbled upon a herd of cows that were peacefully grazing on the mountain valleys. These cute creatures looked very organically in the mountains. I invite you to see the photo of Carpathian cows.
Я продовжую ділитися з вами фотографіями моєї мандрівки в гори, про початок якої я розповів вам вчора. Ми з друзями пішли далі по хребту і натрапили на стадо корів, які мирно паслися на полонині. Ці милі створіння дуже органічно виглядали серед гірських краєвидів. Запрошую вас переглянути фото карпатських корів.
These photos made with the help of a camera Olympus OMD EM-5 with M-Zuiko 14-42.
Those pictures are just amazing! I'd love to do a trip there!
It's not as difficult as it may seem!)
They really look like very happy cows. No wonder, with all that beautiful landscape all around them., completely stress free.
I think they are really happy :)
Дуже гарно, наче там побував!
Погоджуюсь!!! Краса неймовірна...
Дякую! Намагаюся передати місцевий колорит)
Hello cuties! Maybe it sounds weird, but cows have very adorable faces :)
Yes they are pretty!)
Wow that's amazing, these cows must be very happy =) beautiful landscape and pictures, where is that?