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RE: Dubai: Oasis of the Desert

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Progressive? Indentured servitude of Philippine (and other country) servants who are treated like slaves and paid pennies. In a country where women are banned from driving and must have a male guardian when they go outside? Where they just arrested a woman last month for the crime of wearing a skirt? A country where having the wrong belief or loving the wrong person is a death sentence? Sure the architecture is beautiful but it is not a country I would like to visit. "Most progressive in the middle east" isn't saying much to be honest.


Dubai is not a country, but a city- one of the 7 Emirates in the country, United Arab Emirates.
It is an open city where people of different cultures combined add to the diverisity. As a Muslim country however, there are laws that must be respected like public indecency for example. Women are pretty much empowered as the men- they can drive, own their own cars and land on good positions in the workplace.
There are cases of labor disputes or other crimes, but all in all since they also have a faily good justice and labor system, for as long as you know where to go you will be all right.