Hi everyone!
Today I will talk about my trip to India. This story I will break into 3 parts: the first and second will be about northern Goa, and the third about a two-day trip to Hampi.
It was in the autumn. We sat in the kitchen, drank tea and searched the Internet for a cheap tour "at least where" and stumbled upon a wonderful offer. 12 days in India, with flight, transfer, hotel and breakfast for only 31,000 rubles. Without a moment's hesitation, we book everything and begin to prepare mentally for departure. How hard it was for me these months and a half before departure, how slowly the days dragged on!
Finally, the day X came and we started to India in a friendly company consisting of 8 people. In addition to the fact that the company was not small, there, in Goa, we were expecting two more - my sister and her fiance.
When we arrived, I thought that I would immediately fall asleep at the hotel, since I could not fall asleep all night long. But how wrong I was ... Sister met us in a truly royal way. A huge table, which was crowded with local dishes and a sea of rum. I could crawl to the bed only by the evening of the second day, and took the camera out of my suitcase only on the third day, when we went to Arambol.
What do we know about Goa? This is a former Portuguese colony, at the moment it is the smallest and sparsely populated state of India. In the 60s, hippies from all over the world began to come here, many here settled and still live. Also, Goa is notable for the fact that there appeared a new musical style "Goa-Trans". This music did not inspire me and it even seemed to me that most of the people at the disco were under very heavy drugs.
So, we got to Arambol. Arambol is a beach with a small settlement, but with a lot of cafes, bars and, most interestingly, freaks. Although, as my companions informed me, a couple of years ago these freaks were much more.
A little walk on the shopping arcade, we chose a cafe, in which we watched the beautiful sunset.
And, of course, dinner!
That day we arrived in Arambol late enough, so we did not go to see the main living attraction, and postponed it the next day.
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To be continued...
Nice beach!
Yes! It's awesome! =)
Столько текста настрочил!.. = )Ого, @yushkov!