Heya, you're not supposed to put a map in your post, but your post on the map, haha!
You can check the first link in the post here for more info!
Heya, you're not supposed to put a map in your post, but your post on the map, haha!
You can check the first link in the post here for more info!
😂 lovely... Thanks for featuring my post! I just discovered you are from Gent? This is the place I always recommend people to visit in Belgium. I have to write about this huge hidden gem one day! I graduated from KULeuven ;)
That I am, Ghent is definitely an amazing city, even more so during summertime!
Yeah, I am thinking of doing a post on it myself but haven't quite gotten around to it yet, haha!
Oh, do you still live in Belgium?
Yeah, all those festivals and concerts in summer! Ik verblijf momenteel in Australië, maar mijn man is Vlaming ;) Any meetups there in future?
Inderdaad, de Gentse feesten zijn heerlijk, haha!
Oh, zalig, ben daar nog steeds niet geraakt (shame on me, haha)!
Niet dat ik weet, maar @oroger is ook van België, en wij hebben elkaar via Steemit leren kennen en werken nu samen! En ik zie @Roxane (zijn vrouw) ook af en toe natuurlijk!