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RE: Travel to Stolowe Mountains : Day 1 - Szczeliniec Wielki

in #travelfeed5 years ago

For sure a good view from the top always gives you this this amazing rush of endorphines .. When I started hiking with my mom when I was still a child I actually disliked the trails a bit and always waited for that sasisfying moment in the end .. but as I grew up I found myself in a position where I enjoyed to watch nature during hikes in that rather "awful" weather situation .. I do not know why, but I like the feeling when you feel like a little helpless fish trying to find a way through an overwhelming colossus of old and everlasting nature .. maybe I am a masochistic traveler, hehe

But as you saw here I try to distinguish always between those two. One day I take the direct route to top for that amazing view and the other day I tackle the adventure ;)

Maybe you saw my hike in Yosemite, that was kind of masochistic too, but the rush of endorphines when I reached the top there for the view kind of even intensified it for me, hehe ^^ oh no, this way it sounds like I am a travel junkie ;)

That is a nice picture you posted, where did you take it ? .. just by the guess of colours I would say Oregon in the dtates, but guessing by colour sounds so inacurate, hehe ^^

Enjoy you sunday ! I hope its a sunny day ;)