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RE: Mount Friendship Peak (5272 m) trek report

in #travelfeed6 years ago

You're very courageous to climb all that way. I remember a hiking excursion for gym class in Cegep and I could barely climb one steep mountain ridge. Those pictures though, makes me think of Caradhras from Lord of the Rings.

The Himalayans, I hear is where you get pink sea salt. Have you even been to the foothills where the salt comes from?


There is a place near to my house called "Gumma", and that place is famous for its pink Himalayan salt but now days due to un-stabilisation of mountain the agency is not working anymore here. They moved to some other place. But yes I have been visited many places where can get the Himalayan pink sea salt.
May Himalaya bless you. namasteNamaste @binkyprod , First of all I would like to thank you for your visit to my blog and secondly for you nice words in comment section. I was very bad in hiking earlier, you won't believe I completed my very first trek in 14 hours to reach 14 kms, that time I decided that I will never ever go to any trek but now I can not imagine myself without hiking/trekking or mountains.


That's inspirational. To know how you started off. It's motivational.