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RE: #African Adventures

in #travelfeed3 years ago (edited)

Hi there @serowa and welcome to Hive!

I can't wait to see and hear more about your African travels and adventures and would love to introduce you too a few of my favourite Hiveans here who I think that you will have a lot in common with.

Hey there @femcy-willy @daniky @monica-ene @yohan2on @smilestitches I'd like to introduce you to a new Hivean @serowa and I'm sure that you guys will get along well as you have so much in common.

Lovely to meet you @serowa and I look forward to hearing from you again.

I also recommend joining the #LOH- #LadiesofHive Community if you haven't already, aswell as #loveTheClouds and #WednesdayWalks.

I also have another account on here as @chocolatescorpi too, so please feel free to join me there aswell.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask any time. I'm in Melbourne, Aust and always up late (then I hate myself ion the mornings as I'm trying to drag myself out of bed kicking and screaming...🤣

Take care and talk soon. 😊


Great to hear from you @chocolatescorpi. I trust you've been awesome. It's been quite an age (almost a year now). Nice to meet you too @serowa.

Hi sweetheart, I have been here and always thinking of you and hoping that you're well!
So glad to see you still here!
So great to see you again!
I can't believe its been that long already! 😱

So have you been well and what have you been up to?

So glad to see you too. Yes it's that long because December makes it a year i noticed you. I've been cool and life is definitely awesome here in Nigeria. Hope you're doing great well and hope your pets are fine too😊

WOW, I can't believe just how fast that this past year has gone!

Wayyyy too fast! But nevertheless, you are never far from my thoughts!

I am well and as always my mind is creating huge projects to help make the world a better place and heal the earth. I am back at work after another 3 mnth lockdown, studying a comprehensive animal studies course and always working on something creative!

I look forward to hearing what you've been up to too!

Hello @chocolatescorpi.

It is great to meet you as well as some other #Hivers. I see some of them are into #farming which is awesome. I work with a group who #teaches this in #Africa. I normally #film the work we do.

Hope you are not up too late, something I am doing right now, too much learning this platform ha-ha. Hope Aus is treating you well :)

@daniky So awesome to meet you all the way from #Nigeria.

Chat to you all soon, looking forward to reading through posts.

you're welcome @serowa. Nice to have your response too.

Great to hear from you @serowa and great to see you on Hive too as it is a brilliant platform with so many wonderful people doing all kinds of incredible things around the world.

Cool to see that you film your stuff too. I am also into film- animal rights and welfare based docuseries trying to get on air

I can see a collab sometime in out future as I have plans to come to Africa when all this Pandemic has calmed down a bit more!

Let's keep in contact and I presume that you're going to use this platform and 3speak to share your progress over there too?

I look forward to reading/watching and I hope that you get to meet some of my friends over there IRL one day too!

I will like to learn more about places I do not know and will do a follow up on everything.Thanks for the mention @chociscorpipro. Am glad you found such a post and how our African nooks and crannies will be exposed to us.

Nice one you have here @serowa

@chociscorpipro Thank you for the reblog.

@monica-ene it is wonderful how the internet is showing us all about new places we can visit in #Africa and elsewhere.


Wow @chociscorpipro you’re such a good person