Such a beautiful place, left to rot. :( I too really hope that there are renovation plans that save the building and the surroundings.
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Such a beautiful place, left to rot. :( I too really hope that there are renovation plans that save the building and the surroundings.
I like to get inside and have a mooch around before renovation time if possible. There's always a record of what it once looked like then.
There was a way in but considering who was with me, I didn't enter on this occasion. Too much climbing involved for her.
That is the most exiting thing always in old buildings. Especially if you can find trivial things that were somehow important to people once. Or tell a story of some sort.
I'll be looking forward for your possible second visit to the Otterburn hall and the post. :)
That has happened on more than one occasion but as Otterburn is more than one hundered miles north, it's unlikely!