
Exactly!!! It's a tough one! For medicinal purposes and emergencies only, right? My one coke can surely not make a difference - surely? xx Ah, the power of letting go...

Its all your fault @izzynoel!


Oh you tried it. Did it work? Sorry I been offline for a coupla days. Hope you are well. Shit looking can design.

What is this thing called 'offline for a few days' ... ** cold sweats

Yeah maaaaaybe... i reckon it was the ocean. To be honest i reckon a Bundaberg ginger beer would have done the trick.

ohhhh Bundaberg ginger beer. Same company has some new flavours out now like Pineapple and Coconut. I prefer their Lemon, Lime, Bitters.

Yeah got wifi issues which is cool. I am trying to get away from the signals and get the friggin garden happening so living in real life before the snakes wake up.