howdy delishtreats! it's been 11 hours since you wrote this and it's taken me that long to get back to you! ha. well that's why some of the big people don't get back to me for a couple days.
so your husband is with you or no?
I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother but it's wonderful that she has alot of family support.
But what about your blog next year? I mean you've been a travel blog so what if you aren't traveling? what will you be then? besides bored.
and more importantly, who's going to buy my Czech glass if you're stuck in Switzerland? lol..
No worries, I can wait, lol.
Yes, my husband is with me as he wanted to see my grandma too. Unfortunately he couldn't take a few days off so he'll be working from here. Nowadays you can do plenty of jobs from any location in the world.
Don't be sorry.. it's life, isn't it? We have already accepted the situation.
My blog will change a little bit. I will turn it into a journal to document the progress of my project. But I'll tell you more later :)
Hahaha, I can ask my friends for a favor!
howdy this fine Saturday my new friend delishtreats!!! I hope your family visit is going well and thank you for answering my you know that almost no one does that? They may answer ONE but not more than that, I reckon they get irritated or don't feel they have the time. So I appreciate that.
But I'm sure you don't have that problem being as you're so popular and all. Most of the time people see me coming and they're like...who IS this weirdo??? lol. but at least they remember me!
so your blog will be about this big mysterious project that no one knows what that means or entails....hhhmmm.
does it have anything to do with your previous career profession?
Heeey my dear @janton! I try to answer all comments. And I like to engage in a conversation but I also experienced that I don't get answers to all my comments or just get one. But well, I don't mind.. if somebody doesn't want to talk it's their choice :)
Oh yes, I'm so popular that I've been asked if I'd like to have a star on that famous path in Hollywood, lol. But you know, I like my privacy so I refused the offer!
You are right! You'll get to hear the details when the time is right :)
Noooo, I'm not going back to that career path anymore :)
haha! Humbleness! I love that trait in a person, especially rare in a female person! lol. so glad you turned Hollywood down, that would have changed you like fame usually does to people.
not going back to that career path anymore huh? the mystery continues.
what WAS that career path before, I know you can answer that one.
and don't worry about not answering all my questions, if you miss one I'll just keep asking! except the one about your new project, I understand that it's a secret.
Exactly! I want to stay as perfect as I already am, lol!
I was in corporate finance for many years.. It was a GREAT job, just not for me.. I met so many amazing people and I will never regret all the experience that I gained over the years..but it was time to move on..
Sure, just keep asking and I'm glad you understand that to know about the project you'll have to wait :)
howdy back again delishtreats it's me! again! so what in the world? somany years here and so many years there...dang kiddo how old are you anyway? you don't have to tell me exactly and I know it's rude to ask a lady that but it never stopped me before! lol.
like around 30?
corporate finance sounds important but boring. not accounting right?
Good morning @janton! Hahaha, well, yes, so many years here and there.. I was working for the same company for over 9 years in 2 countries (I started in Prague and then moved to Switzerland)
I'm 32. Am I still a kiddo? Lol
Business analysis. Oh, my job was very interesting. I was handling countries in Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa. I also had contact with Central Asia. So many different cultures and different people. It also allowed me to travel a lot to the places that I would never visit privately. It was not a standard corporate finance job. I was not just working with the numbers and sitting at my desk all the time.
But eventually there was a moment when I realized that I want to work on my own dream, not on somebody's else dream. Plus I got the chance to leave. My job was restructured (part of a big restructuring) and moved to a cheaper location and I got a choice - I either change a department or I will be laid off. You know already what I went for, lol.