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RE: Walk with me - Castle Hohenklingen

in #travelfeed6 years ago

howdy there my (maybe) friend Martina! yes I like taking words out of context! or maybe it's just a language problem I have...

like the last sentence doesn't make sense to my English.."it's not whenever I want" ..hhmm..what's not whenever you want?

and another thing Miss are on vacation so you can't be bothered to go to my posts but I see you on everyone else's...but that's ok...yeah that's understandable..I'm just the ugly American over here so I don't get the prime visits from royalty like some people do...yeah that's understandable...I don't even speak but one language so I'm sure that puts me way down on the list too! lol.


Of course I'm your friend!

You said that I take off whenever I want.. so I'm saying it's not whenever I want :) You start forgetting! LOL!

Well, well, don't forget how much time it took you to go over to my blog, lol. But now honestly.. I do as much as I can and I need a little more time for your posts to understand exactly what you mean so that I can write a clever comment and don't give you a chance to tease me!!! I'm going to Switzerland tomorrow and I promise I'll read all your posts that I missed!

You are HIGH maintenance my dear friend!

ahaha! I am not forgetting I just didn't know what you meant. As good as your English is that sentence was not perfect but I love your English.

hey I suppose you just want me to write once a day in your little post and be all sweety nicey and fawning all over or do you want to have fun with real conversation?

I don't want to be a burden to my new friend(or almost friend, you've not fully gone through the entire qualification process yet) but remember when it took me forever to get to your blog? (my loss) but I said when i get there and get connected that there was no escaping me!?

haha! it's a merciless onslaught but if I think I'm wearing you out or you become too girly girly and all wimpy and can't handle it then I will step back, I promise.

as far as my posts, it will be an honor to see you there but as far as teasing you about your comment? I have no idea what you're talking about! lol. I'm innocent! maybe. don't worry about spending alot of time to get everything worded right, I promise to be nice.

but there are two Old West posts which have some small amount of violence in them like the one today. sorry, it's just history.

Oh, my English is not that good though! I only studied for 3 years and I've been to an English speaking country (England) only once! :)

Wearing me out? Girly girly and all wimpy?! LOL! Oh, you Americans!! :D Of course I can handle you! I'm just saying that you're high maintenance which is true!

Innocent? YOU?! :D It's a pity you can't see me laughing now!

Ok, ok, so I will skip those Old West posts then! :)

no!! you have to see my Old West posts girl! I want you to learn at least a little bit about what it was like in my country back then.

Ok so you can handle me.. good! whew. I was afraid I was wearing you out. being tough is good.

innocent? yes totally. lol.