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RE: Erupting thoughts on the run under a clear blue sky

in #travelfeed5 years ago

Howdy today macoolette! I'm glad that volcano did not erupt! I hope it stays asleep.

No, we have no volcanos in this part of the country. In fact, I think the only volcano that has been active in the main body of the country in the last hundred years is way up North in the state of Washington, Mount Saint Helens.

Alaska has alot of them but I don't think we have any in the lower states.


Good for you then. You won't experience the terror of volcanoes when they get mad.

That is true and I hope yours over there don't act up. Alaska has many active volcanos which are frequently rumbling and smoking!

I can't imagine living in ice world. Much more with volcanoes... 🥺

I agree. They also have many earthquates, small ones but still. lol. No thanks!