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RE: 30 days in Laos: Visiting world's most bombed country!

in #travelfeed6 years ago

Man, I stayed in Mama Pap hostel in February, I am happy now that I did not get scrabies!
I found Laos to be great for motorbiking, "the loop" through the karst landscape near Thakek and the Bolaven Plateau were amazing, and while motorbike rental is more expensive than in Vietnam, it still is very affordable. I loved Southern Laos in general, although, as you say, hitchhiking can be challenging at times. The traffic rules are also funny, I hitchhiked with this French guy who was driving 120 km/h in a 30-zone because the fine for speeding is only 5$, with no further consequences no matter the speed..

I did not get further North than Vientiane this time, I believe the North (or at least Vang Vieng and Luang Prabang) is much more touristy than the South. The plain of jars would definitely be cool to visit though. Thanks for this great post, can't wait to read about Vietnam!


Man, I truly believe in you and your team!
I am not sure if I can help somehow,
but I will definitely spread the word about as much as I can.
You mentioned something about releasing your own token.
I think it is wise to think about improving the functionality of the platform first.

By the way @JPPhotography, I watched that Utopian IdeaHub video ( However, I am looking forward to the new token and I am already in preparation for making an investment. If you are in need of some funds or for peace of advice, you should contact @Jacoblaukaitis. He is a famous Lithuanian travel vlogger and he has tried to create something similar to, but he failed. Maybe he could share his experience so the same mistakes could be avoided. His project was called I believe, he could be contacted on Youtube or Facebook (


I remember explorio from back in the day, it had a pretty big hype, a large team and a vague whitepaper, just like a lot of other ICOs that went broke in the crypto crash. We already have a working product and a small but great team, but we have a lot to learn about marketing and business development while keeping our costs down. Jacob sounds like an interesting person, I will definitely reach out to him next week.
Thanks a lot for bringing him to our attention and thanks for promoting TravelFeed, Lithuania currently is the country where we get the most visits from :D

Maybe "Share" buttons would be useful. would be easier to share those articles on Faceboo & Twitter. :) What do you think?

We will implement that soon, thanks for the suggestion! In a few months, we will also introduce a new service that will make sharing even easier than using share buttons :)

Really @JPPhotography? This world is so small. :D Have you tried their pancakes? They are huge! Well, at least they used to be.

I had a pancake just like this one for breakfast, it was awesome! :D And the waterfalls were so beautiful!

Tad Lo waterfall