I have long wanted to get into the Museum of Local Lore of the Baltic. October 20, I still got to him. I was met by Valentina Semenovna. She agreed to conduct a tour of the entire museum. Let's start with the hall of primitive and medieval history.
A few words for the tour itself
I believe that museum workers can always illuminate the history of not only the city, but the whole region. Valentina Semenovna began her story from the earliest stages of the history of the city of Balta. In a fascinating way, she told about the sites of primitive people, Ukrainians, from the times of Tripoli culture, and about the times of nomadic tribes.
It is important that the museum is assembled not only by the efforts of historians, local historians and archaeologists, but also by ordinary people. Citizens of the city and region independently bring their findings to the museum. Pay attention to the fact that it was people who turned out to be those “specialists” who were able to find the bones of mammoths.
During the tour Valentina Semenovna drew attention to every small aspect: the importance of various objects, methods of use, the life of ordinary people.
An intermediate era that connects different times is Turkish rule in the south of Ukraine. From the Turks there are many memos and artifacts. Including, according to one version, the very name of the city "Balta" has Turkish roots. In translation, the name means the word "Ax".
Gradually we got to the Middle Ages. Here Valentina Semenovna spoke in detail about the life of the Cossacks, about how the Poles appeared in our regions. We do not forget about the Lubomirsky clan. They did a lot of useful for the development of the village.
Let us be frank that many cities of the Odessa region are of great importance for each historical era. Also here, emperors, poets and artists came to Balta. That is, famous people who played an important role in the social life of a simple person, a citizen of the state.
In addition, the question about the unification of the city was highlighted. Valentina Semenovna perfectly revealed all aspects that relate to the unification of the city. Why did it happen? Why there were 2 settlements, instead of one.
Thus, in the first, I would say, fundamental, hall, you can clearly trace the entire history of the formation of the city of Balta. That is, from the origins, to the creation of one, common city of Balta. Further history, by epoch, is presented in the following rooms. I'll talk about them later. Unfortunately, in one material does not fit all the moments that you want.
In the meantime, watch a video of a tour of the first hall:
To be continued…
Posted by: @jurgan
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