
Thanks I appreciate that :) I am originally from Down under where it never got as cold as it does here, but i have bene here for close to 18 years and should be used tot he cold days, but each year older i get I feel the cold more lOL

Australia!? Why in the world did you leave? LOL! I was there a few years back. Such a beautiful country. Stayed with friends who lived adjacent to the Blue Mountains. Same street as the person who designed "hobbits" for the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Camped in the park. Had a fantastic time. Well, welcome to the US ( a little late) I do hope you enjoy your stay and are treated well by my compatriots.

LOL no even better than Australia, New Zealand, I left for one year to Lebanon for a job and stayed with it for coming up on thirty years in different countries at first and now in NYC

Australia has some beauty for sure but New Zealand even more so but then again I am biased LOL

Ohh yes my wife calls me.a Kiwi ( a nick name for New Zealanders) New Yorker LOL

I wondered if I was making too grand an assumption. Never made it to NZ though I have friends there. On day, hopefully...

I hope you make it there one day and don’t worry most when they hear down under think Australia