"Silent loud speakers." The figure of speech sounds intriguing and amusing but on a second thought and with your elaboration that we need to listen nature again, the figure of speech makes sense.
You have really great photos there! Thanks for sharing them here. At least I also had a tour even with just photos. 😊
I did not realize you are such a professional photographer and definitely worth the curie vote. It is very nice to see a fellow commenter getting the upvote herself. Congratulations! 😊
I really liked the gallery part. All of them had some deep messages. You're right, when you look at that thing it looks funny but then it all makes sense :)
Thank you!! I enjoy taking photos :) Oh, I'm not a professional photographer :) More of figuring our how it all works :)
I was surprised with curie on this one as it's a bit shorter than my usual posts but apparently they liked it ;)
Good luck with curie commenting this week! :)
Oh well, your photos look from a professional to me. 😊
That only means Curie is not about length of the post but quality of the content so very good for you! I am just trying to float my account this week. I am not even sure if it will even land on the end of the list. Let' see... Good luck too to you! 😊
That is a great compliment! :) Thank you!
We all need a little break from online world from time to time ;)
Ditto. 😊