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RE: Why Are We Moving To Puerto Vallarta Mexico?

in #travelfeed3 years ago (edited)

I'm so excited for you! Although I will definitely miss you guys!
But who knows, we may follow you there some day (soon).
It's been on my radar for a while, and who knows what the future brings?

And you're so right about synchronicity & numbers. I usually see 111, 1111, or 444's but also the occasional 2s and 3s.
I'd be nice to see you before you leave but if not, I know we'll keep in touch either way.
And, of course, I'll follow your stories here!

And now I need to find a workaway place that takes me, 3 kiddos and 2 dogs & a cat LOL.


Yes there are so many workaways and many accept animals. If it's meant to be it will happen right!

Yes you must come and visit us 100%.
