Oriental Bay is a waterfront area along the Wellington Harbour, connected to the CBD waterfront. From the Te Papa Museum, keep walking in the opposite direction from Queens wharf, following the waterfront, and you will eventually arrive at Oriental Bay. You can also catch a bus to the eastern edge of the CBD, get off at Courtenay Place and walk towards the waterfront to get there.
Oriental Bay 是威灵顿港旁的海滨地区,离市中心很近。从国立博物馆往皇后码头的反方向走,沿海走大概十分钟就到。也可以坐公共汽车到市中心东边在Courtenay Place 下车往海滨方向走几分钟就到达。
You would know you have arrived when you see a row of blue sheds along the shoreline next to a sheltered harbour. It took us a while before realising these are boatsheds. As we walked along, we saw one that was open. It looked like a complete workshop inside. There were ropes hanging on the door, probably used for various part of the sail boat or towing in dinghies in and out of the water. Most sheds though were locked with locks that was rusting badly, probably from the salty sea breeze. We also saw someone siting on the roof of the sheds. I guess it would indeed be a great place spend a lazy afternoon, just chilling in front of this magnificent view.
如果你看见一排蓝色的小房子对着一个宁静的港湾,那么恭喜你,你已经到达了Oriental Bay. 这些小房子其实是个船棚,都是被人租来放船的。我们沿着海边走,就看到了一个打开了的船棚,里面除了放船还放了不同种类的工具,简直是个小型工作坊。门上还放着各式各样的绳子,可能应该是用来拖船的。船棚的位置很方便,离水不到五米,轻易地就可以把船拖下水。那些没有被打开的船棚大部分都用了简陋的铁锁去上锁。在潮湿和高盐度的海风侵蚀下,这些铁锁基本上都是锈迹班班。这里的风景特别美,怪不得有人会跳到棚顶上,在这里看看手机,看看风景,是一个多么惬意的下午啊。
After passing all of the boat sheds, keep following along the water front, then walkthrough the car park passed the boat café, you arrive onto Freyberg Beach, the closest beach to the Wellington CBD. One thing that might catch your eyes is the fountain in the middle of the bay. This is the Carter Memorial Fountain, and was built in 1973, funded by rich local Hugh Carter as a gift to the city, who drowned in the Wellington Harbour days after the fountain was opened. The fountain has since become an icon of the city, and adds interesting elements to the city’s skyline. The water jet from the fountain can reach 16 m high.
继续往前走,经过了所有的船棚后继续沿着海边走,然后穿过船形餐厅前的停车场,就会到达Freyberg海滩。这个离威灵顿市中心最近的海滩是个旅游热点,最特别的就是海湾中央的喷泉。这个喷泉叫Carter纪念喷泉,原本是一个在威灵顿居住的土豪Hugh Carter在1973送给威灵顿市的礼物。结果喷泉开放后过了几天Carter就在威灵顿港溺水而亡,于是喷泉就以他冠名去纪念他对城市的贡献。自此以后,这个喷水高达十六米的喷泉就成为威灵顿的标志,为威灵顿的天际线增添色彩。
It was quite cold when we visited, so the beach was pretty quiet, but there are still people strolling along the beach, admiring the amazing view that you can get from here. You can see the quite little houses perching on the side of Mount Victoria. Sometimes you can see planes flying in as they are landing towards the airport on the other side of the hill. You can see mountain ranges surrounding the whole harbour, some of them covered with snow like the Rimutaka Ranges in the northeast. Patone and Lower Hutt can be seen just beneath these Ranges. Looking back towards the city you can clearly see the beautiful skyline of the Wellington CBD. It does not have many skyscrapers or extravagant buildings, but it is neat, humble and green, replacing busy and hectic with peacefulness and charm. Even a coffee break can be as unpretentious as a rustic café-in-a-van and a road side table.
虽然天气很冷,在海滩上依然有些游人,在这里欣赏威灵顿港迷人的风景。在这里,可以看到维多利亚山腰上可爱的小房子,也可以看到准备降落的飞机近距离飞过,到达山丘另一旁的机场。可以看到围绕着威灵顿港的群山,被白雪覆盖的Rimutaka山脉,以及山脚下的Patone 和 Lower Hutt 市。回眸一看,威灵顿的天际线尽入眼睑。没有雄伟的高楼,也没有大城市的烦躁。只有像积木般朴实无华的小楼房,和青山绿草和慢生活带来的小城气息。一辆卖咖啡的小车,几张椅子,喝咖啡也来得这么朴实。
I have been to this city before quite a few times, but it is the first time that I truly appreciate its characters and beauty. I hope that you will also have the chance to visit Wellington and experience all its glory and charm.
It’s a beautiful day to travel around the bay and its colorful. I like that guy who sit on the rooftop. Is he your friend?
No, just some random person. I don't know how she got up there but it seems comfortable.
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@stabilowl, 旅途就是一生的缩写,但是我一直有点犹豫要不要点赞,说出来你可能不信,我练过一阳指,我这个赞要是点下去,你搞不好会死!
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这海天山一色的风景 - 唯有在威灵顿可以看到~
Supernice post :) What caught my attention the most though is how those chinese (hope I'm not mistaken haha) signs are much more effective. You always needed less rows to write your point than in the English version. Cool stuff! :)
Thanks! Yes it is Chinese, and yes I do feel that I can express myself with fewer characters or words in Chinese than English, but it might have to do with my writing style as well. It's not a google translation, I write both piece separately.
Nice, I also write posts bilingual - English and my native language. So I know your situation :)
Btw does google translate manage to do english <-> Chinese translation with high quality? I can't test it myself cuz I don't understand those signs hahah :D
Sometimes, I use it regularly for translating specific terms and words, but it does a poor job stringing them together into sentences imo
比画还美 (۶• ㉨ •)۶♡٩(• ㉨ •٩)
all images are stunning and fascinating۔ indeed it was a awesome travelling۔
Thank you!
照片拍的非常好!very sharp!
笔先生 你简直就是新西兰的宣传片大使~
So much character in one place. That blue is a beautiful colour. It would be delightful on a gloomy day to brighten things up a bit.