may be a little bit biased) not get much recognition, while observing some (okay, a lot of!) sub-par content getting insanely rewarded - frustrating. And I felt powerless to advise because I still don't know what's going on.Hi Dave, just jumping in here as @suitcasemama's husband. I also wanted to thank you personally for your support of @suitcasemama! We're both extremely new (although she is already becoming much better at this than me!) and still very much trying to navigate Steemit. I have to admit, I was starting to feel a bit silly inviting my wife to join after seeing her first couple of awesome posts (I
I see your support and the support of a couple others as a bit of inspiration/turning point to at least continue down the road to see where it leads. Still tons (tons!) of questions, not quite sure what we're doing, but now much more excited for the journey. That's it, just wanted to offer my sincere thanks!