Nice blog post. I see you put a lot of effort into it. I can also see you enjoy what you do. I was in neighboring Bulgaria just a couple months ago, so this scene looks similar. Good to stop by your blog for the first time, I got the link of world maps travel digest. Congrats on hitting the top spot!
From Salinas Ecuador -Dan "World Travel Pro"
By the way since I'm half-way antisocial on a social networking platform, I'll just throw you on my auto up-voter to support your efforts here. You know how us travelers are crunched on computer time. Have a great day!
Wow! Thank you so much! And I feel honoured you've discovered my blog and noticed all the efforts I do to create something great over here. Thanks for the auto upvoter, it really means a lot!! <3
To be honest, I've never been to Bulgaria, even if it's very close to me, lol. But maybe one day :) Hope you enjoyed your stay and maybe next time you will make it to Romania as well! :D
And yep, I've been pretty surprised to figure out I've hit the first spot but I'm so proud of that! Thanks once again for taking the time to visit my blog and thanks for your kind words and support! Hugs, fellow traveller! :)
Have an amazing weekend!