The first longer stay during our trip to Asia was in Blora, Indonesia, to visit my wife's family. Meanwhile we are already in Bangkok, but since I don't have much time to write articles at the moment, I'm only now beginning with my reports about our time in Blora. Today I show you some photos of different walks we took in the rather rural region. I think the pictures speak for themselves even without detailed comments. |
Den ersten längeren Aufenthalt während unserer Asienreise hatten wir in Blora, Indonesien, um die Familie meiner Frau zu besuchen. Inzwischen sind wir schon in Bangkok, aber da ich momentan kaum Zeit zum Artikelschreiben habe, beginne ich erst jetzt mit meinen Berichten über unsere Zeit in Blora. Heute zeige ich euch einige Fotos von verschiedenen Spaziergängen, die wir in der ziemlich ländlichen Region unternahmen. Ich denke, die Bilder sprechen auch ohne ausführlich Kommentare für sich. |
The village Blora. | Das Dorf Blora. |
Apart from many very simple houses, there are also some magnificent buildings of very wealthy citizens in Blora. | Neben vielen sehr einfachen Häusern, gibt es in Blora auch einige Prunkbauten sehr wohlhabender Bürger. |
One owner gave us an insight into her domicile. /
Eine Besitzerin gewährte uns Einblick in ihr Domizil. |
Some beautiful flowers. | Einige schöne Blüten. |
Soon we left the village towards the fields. | Schon bald verließen wir das Dorf in Richtung der Felder. |
Manioc (Manihot esculenta). | Maniok (Manihot esculenta). |
Teak (Tectona grandis). | Teakbaum (Tectona grandis). |
Unfortunately, it looks as if humankind as a plague and shame of the planet has to leave behind its dirt really everywhere. | Es sieht leider so aus, als müsste der Mensch als Plage und Schande des Planeten seinen Dreck wirklich überall hinterlassen. |
My wife, @kobold-djawa, with baby and her cousin. | Mein Frau, @kobold-djawa, mit Baby und ihrer Cousine. |
In Blora we experienced some wonderful sunsets. | In Blora erlebten wir einige wundervolle Sonnenuntergänge. |
It was a very nice walk in Indonesia and showing many photos different places. It's very nice to see them from your post and I could see how there is look like. Good job! :)
Thanks again for the warm welcome you gave us at your place!
You're welcome. ;)
Das sieht echt super schön aus, genießt Eure Zeit!
Wow! Das sind sehr beeindruckende und tolle Bilder!
Ich bekomme Fernweh ;-)
Es ist auch schön, ein paar Personenbilder zu sehen. Die Fotos von eurer "Kleinen" sind ja immer klasse ;-)
Ich wünsch' euch noch eine tolle Zeit auf euren Reisen!
Danke für die guten Wünsche! :)
Ich sehe, lieber @jaki01, du gehst mit offenen Augen durch die welt. Das ist schön. Das machen nicht viele. Die Gegend ist toll, mit den Reisfeldern und den Bananenplantagen. Die absolute Ruhe dort bei den Feldern. Ist bei euch gerade Trockenzeit in Indonesien? Oder sieht es nur so aus... Hier in Sri Lanka regnet es gerade jeden Tag immer wieder. Aber das bricht kein Bein ab. Wünsche dir eine schöne Weiterreise und vor allem einen tollen Urlaub
Während wir dort waren, regnete es so gut wie nie ... anders als jetzt in Thailand ...
Nice walk! It’s good to see @kobold-djawa’s village! The scenery of the field is really great! The teak has amazing barks. The flowers are all beautiful, especially the white one that is my most favorite. The sunset is very magnificent! I especially like the way you took photos of the sun behind those trees. Great shot! These can brighten my day!
I myself like to walk among nice nature like this, too. Your photos remind me to Phatthalung, my hometown, which is in the countryside of Thailand, it's similar atmosphere.
Your little princess is very cute, even when she sleeps…. It seems that she enjoyed walking among this nice nature as I can see from her cheerful smile… It’s very good exercise for her as well.
You had really good times with your warm family indeed! ;)
Have a nice trip to Phuket and a safe trip back to Germany! :))
I am happy to read that you liked this article!
And it was really nice that you could come to Bangkok, too, when we were there! :)
So nice to meet you in Blora again after such a long time, and of course I hope to visit Thailand, too, in future. Sampai jumpa lagi! :-)
Selamat jalan Ana & Jan! :)
Ich hoffe sehr, irgendwann auch mal wieder nach Asien zu reisen, um den indonesischen Teil der Familie treffen zu können.
I was really happy to meet you all, too! And look forward to seeing you and your warm family again next time of your visit to Bangkok. ;)
Schöne Flora in Blora :)
Und Klein-Kobold scheint auch viel Spaß gehabt zu haben, wie es aussieht <3
Herzliche Grüße über das Südchinesische Meer nach Bangkok. :-)
Es ist sehr interessant einen Einblick in die Heimat deiner Frau zu erhalten und auch einmal @srikandi, zumindest am Foto, kennen zu lernen! Der kleine Sonnenschein scheint sich bei seinen Verwandten auch sehr wohl zu fühlen. :-)
Der Verkehr ist auch hier in Teipeh ein sichtbares Problem. Laut dem Echtzeit-Luft-Qualitätsindex (AQI) wird die Luftqualität im Norden Taiwans als "Gut" bis "mäßig"eingestuft, was auch meinem Empfinden entspricht. Was mich sehr überrascht hat, ist, dass hier zumindest der Plastikmüll getrennt wird.
Ich wünsche euch noch schöne Tage in Bangkok und bei redpalestino in Kuala Lumpur!
Ich war noch nie in Taiwan, aber es überrascht mich nicht, dass Luft - und vermutlich auch Straßenränder? - dort relativ sauber sind.
Es sind in den meisten Fällen die ärmeren Länder Südostasiens (Indonesian, Thailand, die Philippinen, ...) mit nicht funktionierenden Müllentsorgungssystemen, Menschen, deren mangelnde Bildung (wofür wiederum die Politik verantwortlich ist) und oft prekäre Lebensumstände (die ihnen andere Dinge als den Umweltschutz vordringlicher erscheinen lassenen) zu Ignoranz gegenüber Umweltproblemen führen und Politikern, die vor allem ihren eigenen Reichtum im Blick haben, in denen verheerende Zustände herrschen.
Euch wünsche ich auch weiterhin alles Gute auf eurer Reise! :)
Ja, auch die Straßenränder sind sauber. Die Müllabfuhr, die sich mit einigen Takten aus Beethoven's 'Elise' lautstark ankündigt, fährt täglich zweimal ihre Runden.
Hier in Taipeh ist mir negativ aufgefallen, dass beinahe alles und jedes in Plastikfolie verpackt wird oder eingeschweißt ist. Den Plastikmüll, als einen der größten Verursacher der Umweltverschmutzung, einzudämmen, das wird die große Herausforderung sein, der sich besonders auch die von dir angesprochenen Länder stellen müssen. Patentrezept existiert dafür leider keines.
Always positive and negative side. But, I hope you like about Indonesia. There is always beautiful side to see even a little, like a sunset, and flower.
Hey, Little Princess! I miss you about your smile. :)
By the way, @kobold-djawa cousin is @srikandi, isn't right?
Your guess is right. :)
However, most of the time I am doing the upvoting for her, as she still isn't using Steemit (and the internet) very often (so also don't be surprised in case she still isn't answering to your comments). I hope in future she will start to write, read and answering comments here more often.
Yes, sure, there are also quite some positive aspects (friendly and helpful people, tasty food, beautiful nature, in case it's still intact) ... and pollution is a worldwide problem, also in Germany.
But as a fact, in southeast Asia, destruction of environment is disastrous: contiguous to most of the streets you can find huge amounts of all kinds of plastic. The big cities are crowded and full of traffic jam, which causes smog and noise. Public transportation should be improved, quiet electric cars and motor bikes (like nowadays in some Chinese cities) should become more popular, and I think in the era of internet and online conferences more people should work from home.
It's very unfortunate that in the village of @kobold-djawa there are still internet difficulties, just like my village.
In fact, in the era of digital economy-based competition, the internet is very important.
Related to pollution, it has become a common problem in the world, but at least the most important thing is that we should not think like "why make changes like throwing garbage in its place if other people still do it?"
So, I'm sure that the changes to come from within ourselves first.
By the way, my sister has an electric bicycle like this:
Image by Google. Good enough to reduce pollution, even though it can only be used at certain distances :)
I think not only internet speed must be good enough but also companies should adapt to the fact that nowadays it is possible for more people to work at home - for example there is no reason why programmers shouldn't make a big part of their job at home.
However, most bosses are still accustomed to see their employees every day at their work place (I guess then they have the feeling of being better able to control them).
That means not only technological improvements but also a change of the way of thinking is necessary.
You are right: if one calls politicians to take some measures against pollution and criticizes to see plastic everywhere, one should at least also take care to set a good pattern for others. I try that whenever possible. For example yesterday I told a seller not to give me a plastic bag, because I could put all bought things into my backpack.
I totally agree with you. The company should understand this. Actually, even now I hate working conditions in the office. I feel ineffective at working in the office. I'm often late for office.
In fact, I still do my job well if I don't go to the office. I've talked about this with them, but they want me to work in the office. Their thinking cannot adapt to the current job system.
In fact, my work is more spent online, taking care of the problems that exist in the world of social media. I totally agree with you. The company should understand this. Actually, even now I hate working conditions in the office. I feel ineffective at working in the office. I'm often late for office.
In fact, I still do my job well if I don't go to the office. I've talked about this with them, but they want me to work in the office. Their thinking cannot adapt to the current job system.
In fact, my work is more spent online, taking care of the problems that exist in the world of social media. Then, what's the use of going to the office every day? It really costs a lot of travel.
In fact, now meeting with clients is only done online with the "Zoom Meeting" service
Oh my! when you said 'Her fam lives in the village' I didn't really imagine like this VILLAGE-VILLAGE. This is totally a real deal! Hahhaa I love the vibes like that but it's actually not that easy (at least not so close to bangkok) to get the vibe like there in Blora! The little still is happy as always with THAT SMILE! Bwahahha :D miss that!
Hope everything goes well and oh! just a small news, you could actually power down on Whaleshares since Oct 1 and it now can be traded on Bitshares (as we're discussing about it before)
Safe travel tomorrow you guys!! :)
Thanks for the good wishes - and it was very nice to meet you! :)
Nice to meet you all! Till next time ! :)
hello :) , is that you in the second picture?
and what nice wood art in doors of that buildings, first i thought its a historical place, but must be new , beautiful,, and sending hi to your wife @kobold-djawa <3 ,
Yes, it's me ... in my previous article you can find a better picture from me (with face) ... :)
Danke @jaki01 für den tollen Streifzug durch Blora:-)
Freut mich, dass dir die Bilder gefallen haben!
Looks pretty there
Indonesia is a paradise ... but one which is seriously threatened by pollution. Contiguous to most of the streets you can find huge amounts of all kinds of plastic.
The big cities are crowded and full of traffic jam. Public transportation should be improved, electric cars and motor bikes (like nowadays in some Chinese cities) should become more popular, and I think in the era of internet and online conferences more people should work from home.
If what one does, requires no physical presence, then they should be working from home.
Physical presence? Come on: you should make enough space at your home for your complete laboratory, that's really not too much to asked for. ;-)
No, it wouldn't work for everybody, but I think they should try to find ways to make it possible to work at home for as much as possible people.
Das Baby scheint ja ganz gut auf der Schulter zu schlafen, sieht sehr entspannt aus :D
ohja und wie die Bilder für sich sprechen. Wunderschön! Der Sonnenuntergang ist echt magisch!
Was für fanzinierende Endrücke in die Welt Deiner Frau. Es ist unglaublich eindrücklich. Natur, die Menschen. Auch das Foto mit den Armenhäuser und der Villa vis a vis. Das existiert hier genau so. Und leider auch das Abfallproblem. Das ist ein riesiges Problem hier, da sich der Dominikaner kaum einen Dreck um seinen Müll schert. Echt schade
Ach wie schön, da lernt eure kleine die andere Hälfte ihrer Herkunft kennen <3 Wünsch euch eine fantastische Zeit in Asien <3
Wow, geniale Fotoimpressionen!
Doch am schönsten ist die eindeutig erkennbare Lebensfreude des Minikobolds!
Habt weiter eine tolle Zeit,
LG Chriddi
This is serenity compared to the 9-5 i'm at right now!
wow wow wow those building are amazing! I am talking about the ones that the rich have :P this whole door was carved wood?
Yes, indeed ... this door alone must have been very expensive ...
I love the pictures of your walk through the beautiful village and the fiels.
So beautiful.
I love the fields and the beautiful road that was being build. Very cool.
Thank you for sharing your awesome walk with us.
Have a great day @jaki01
Nice to know that you enjoyed reading/watching my post! :)
Great post!
Blora is important place for Indonesian Literature, it's the birth place of Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Indonesian biggest author.
Last month there was a festival there, celebrating the folklore of Blora, with many traditional performance.
Seeing your post make me want to share the story and photos of that festival :)
Thank you for sharing!
Nice to read that you liked the article! :)
Beautiful walk and great photos, my friend and these amazing streets with houses, fields and beautiful flowers delight me! Thank you @jaki01
After seeing your photo I just had a flashback of my life in late nineties. I used to explore surrounding open crop or paddy fields with my friends almost the whole day. Now busy with urban robotic life.
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Indonesia is most beautiful country.Your are so enjoying your travel.Natural beauty always attracts the peoples.The village Blora is very beautiful.Very impressive architecture of building.Looks for you flowers photography.Very amazing photography.All flowers looks soo beautiful.Pink flower is my favourite.This flower looks wonderful and impressive.Very big fields.Formers are so hardworking in the fields.All woman and childrens looks so beautiful.Tress looks so attractive.Very amazing sunshine.I m so enjoying your travel.Thanks for sharing.Dear@Jakio1.
Nice. I would love to spend a bit more time in Indonesia. I traveled there for a couple of months back in 1997 during the financial crisis.
I always love the flowers, thanks for sharing nice photos. Dedicated good job zaky, as always..
At the start it seems almost an empty village in the end full of life, i loved one of your picture, the one with the child ^^ Great job.
Nice to enjoy this experience beautiful shots you have shared such a wonderful post :D the flower shot and the perfect evening :)
Very nice pics . Farms, trees, flowers , homes , sun , all pics are beautiful . Your child is enjoying very well.
This is great for indonesia travel great enjoy and nice family. it is great photography sir. really nice this photos. i love it cute baby.
Have a wonderful day.
There are so many naturalize images. Flower is most stunning. Seemed village looks in Indonesia. Your baby showing faster grow up. Asia is most relax place than Europe.
@jaki01 - Sir a nice trip & you collected lots of beautiful photography... Nice you decided to share them Sir...
If there is peace in the world then it is only in the village. Awesome pics taken .
Amazing photography
Pics are showing the beauty of a village. I love village very much .
So really amazing photography
Postingan yang sangat bagus..
Berati jaki01 berada si bandara kemaran ternyata ingin menuju Indonesien. Selamat atas kehadirannya je indonesia bersama istri tercinta. Kaboljawa
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woosh Summoned by @andyjaypowell Sneaky Ninja supports @youarehope and @tarc with a percentage of all bids.
Wow. Great visit to Asia? But not to pakistan.... oh dear you have missed the oppertunity to watch beautiful Himalyas, Naanga parbat, K2 and many other places.
But you have visited beatiful indonesia Blora and many places. Good to see you in Asia visit. Good luck.
This look so beaitiful flower.
Thanks, all you zohaibs and shoaibs. :)
In case you like the article, don't worry: I won't forbid you to upvote it. :)
You are most well come to your wife's family. Hope you have been great time in Asia. Indonesia is such a beautiful country. And people from indonesia are so lovely and humble. I like the way of doing progress of this country. Good to see you after long time. Have a nice day.
Indonesia is a most marvelous country, spread out over a vast part of South East Asia between the Indian and Pacific oceans.
You spent a great time in indonesia. Photography of flowers and villages are so beautiful. Grea to see you in Blora tou experienced such a beautiful sunsets. Great.....
Spending a good time of sunset anywhere feels so happy. Indonesia is very beautiful country. You visited you wife's family. Hope it seems like full fun and joy. Photography from different flowers and places is so nice. Happy to see tour photography.
it is very beautiful village! enjoy traveling
wonderful photos.. ...
Thanks, but in case you liked my article, I wonder what prevents you from upvoting it? :)