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RE: Ten rules of the airplane

in #travelling7 years ago

great post,, i had a flight one time,in 1990 in Economy,, ,funny thing was when me and a friend were bump up into first class. of the airport, we took a airport shuttle/tran, too the other side of the airport, for are new flight,,as this was the first time i had been going on a flight in more then 10 years. at age 32,, the first thing. i started too see a diffidence, were the Economy side was kind of dull and kind of lifeless ,when right off the airport shuttle there was a 90 foot hooligans bar, and people are all about,even the smoker area had trees and clear air.. i was looking for the Butler, when the smoking room i had just left was like a bklyn bar i use too go too in 1980. was like the Russia front you need a gas mask,even getting on the plane .it had a bin full of hero sandwich, in the rap-way.. i did like that one mugiess ..... and top shelf drink also , were the last flight coming in we had a bag of peanuts and a dam sponge for your tong,,,,i could believe it, ,i just never was thinking about the diff, in flying,, A too b , for me..but maybe not forever,,,