The Grand Canyon - Panoramic Thoughts

in #travelphotography7 years ago (edited)

"I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, 'This is what it is to be happy.'"

—Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

The Grand Canyon was all I had ever hoped it would be.
I've seen a million pictures of the canyon and now I realize pictures will never be able to convey the vastness of this one world landmark, or the finiteness which one feels gazing into it's mouth.

It was 32 degrees and the wind was biting cold. I did not care, I just wanted to soak up the beautiful colors, sharp edges and courageous trees protruding towards the brilliant sky.

This is God's country.

In spite of the frigid temperatures there was no end to the tourists that filed their way up to the Lookout Point.

People from all walks of life and nationalities huddled against the wind with friends and family members snapping pictures of the canyon and it was a selfie smortgasbord! I can't believe how many selfie sticks I saw in that 20 minutes that we stood at the lip of the canyon! I thought selfie sticks faded out a few years ago, but apparently not because it seemed that every other person wielded one. Each of us were drawn to Arizona to view one of nature's marvels.

From the time I was a very young girl I remember wanting to graduate then travel right out to visit Arizona and look down at the formidable canyon. I really would have liked to go down into the canyon on a donkey for my first visit, but February is not the month to do that!

Life had other plans for me and I got pregnant my senior year of high school. I finished up and graduated high shool with a high B, inspite of taking off a month of school after losing my baby on my honeymoon.

This is a panoramic shot of the canyon that Google photos was nice enough to make this photo into. Jeff and I stopped for just a brief half hour to take the photographs on February 24th.

In the scheme of things, we're truly insignificant but for the impact we make on this Earth's inhabitants. Few things in my life impressed me of this fact as much as this one view of the canyon.


I will end with a beautiful piano piece that I often played when I was just a dreamer.

Thank you for reading and visiting. Follow if you would like to learn more.

George Winston - Alone

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Logo by @hoschitrooper



I listened the music, loosing myself into your pictures and thinking to your message about our impact in this world.. you transported me there in the incommensurable magnificence of God's creation. I'm really glad I spotted your article even if a bit late, thank you Janelle! Tip!

I'm so glad that you took the extra minute to get the total experience with the music. I don't usually add multimedia. But I looked for something that could express musically what I felt in that place... It was a glorious moment the Past heart so quickly, but it will stay with me forever! Thank you very much for the tip <3 you're the sweetest!

Thanks to you, truly. You literally thrown me from my sofa to a world of wonder.

Yeah! success!
I was so blessed to see it!

I have never been there yet!! Someday, I will. I am hoping steem comes to a place where we can travel and post and use the pay to travel and post some more :)

hugs!I so hope so, @mariannewest! Were it not for Jeff, I would still be waiting to see it. His work conference fell at this time and he was able to arrange it well! Let's keep Steeming and we can perhaps do far more!

That is a quite exciting journey you have. It is a dream for me to go to the canyons once in my lifetime. Your crispy writing skills are delicious and heart warming.

It was fast, but will always stay with me! I appreciate the compliment on my writing very much. Yes, if you can find your way there, you will be in awe as there is some magical quality that comes as you look across that huge expanse and it settles you in a new way, I feel. Thank you for commenting!

Thank you for reigniting my urge to travel and see the world! :D

My pleasure, dear friend! I have much more to see of this world!

I went there 16 years ago. Think we were lucky, I don't remember that many tourists. I do remember being blown away by it. Actually wanting to cry at the sight of it. Amazing place. We went on a helicopter ride over it, which was fab. But it was the first time you see it that will always stick with me.

I cannot imagine what it would have looked like from a helicopter. You are right, there's nothing like your first view of this glorious place. I would encourage everybody I know if it's in their ability to go and visit at least once in their life! My father warned me about the helicopter rides because the week previously helicopter had gone down killing several people with it. I'm glad that you're trip was safe and enjoyable.

I love the piano piece at the end. Thank you so very much for sharing your trip with us.🌹@wandrnrose


Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the post and shared music.❤