
We are looking at this issue. Yeah I see we have missed something, and checking your transaction history to get confirmation and if we found it's a fault by our side, please sorry for the delay and we will send you your TRDO airdrop tokens! Thank you for letting this known!@palvoter,


Here what we have found by checking your previous transactions of Pal token and I think this issue was triggered due to you staked PAL just after we collect data about PAL STAKERs. We have checked PAL STAKE Balance + PAL DELEGATION Balance. We didn't concern about PAL Unstaking Balance. I think that's the reason you have missed this airdrop.
Here I took few screen shots of your previous pal transactions to give you a clear idea!

Here 14 days ago you Unstaked Pal, so it might be at your Unstaking Balance

But you cancelled the Unstake + Staked more Pal at the same date we did the airdrop. We collected Stake + Delegate details via a Query and put that into a .csv then uploaded to the Airdrop.

I think you were little delay that's why you missed the Airdrop! Sorry for that!


Initiate unstake != unstaked.

Yes, but I think it's at a different balance table in db of SE! otherwise, the data might retrieve as it is!@palvoter,
