
It seems like complete insanity that the USSA is trying to decide between Clinton and Trump. Worst choice ever.

Its now public knowledge that when Hillary Clinton was the Director of Lafarge they did business with ISIS .

Also, @lukewearechange has a good post and video The Emails That Will Put Hillary In Jail

It's funny how those big secrets revealed by Assange were already public knowledge. Assange the Shill.

+something for Luke lovers:

Yes people have been talking about her crimes for years, but he provided proof. Tldw

I totally agree, she is a vile evil person. Trump is right she is the devil.

That is not Hilary and that is not Bill, they're both cloned and dead

Yep, she is also an evil Reptilian overlord with ties to the SS! Please more ranting! XD

It's either Killary or Donald the greedy billionaire hmmm...... Choosing the lesser of the two evils who shall it be????

And I suppose that someone homophobic, racist, xenophobic and severe like Trump is much more better.

Yes, buuuuuuut the children can be white, black, hispanic... and they will have access to Obama Care to heal their wounds afterwards.

Blog/2016 U.S. Presidential Election
Posted Aug 28, 2016 by Martin Armstrong

Hillary Cartoon

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Does Hillary have health issues? This is the hot rumor that we do not know what is true of not. Do you have any information on this topic?

Thank you