My world consists of black and white 4 (Trees)

in #tree9 years ago (edited)

My world consists of black and white 4 (Trees)

It's me, half of my face
Image of foxkoit

Here, a new selection of images
I believe that here these pictures, is capable of, to tell story.
I'm not good writer, but I believe that images can speak more than a thousand words. my English is very weak, But at least I'm trying to. Here are some of my photos that I've been looking to put up here.

Trees, they have always something mysterious.
The longer they live, the more mysterious, their souls become.

ART FINDER limited copy (10 Copy)
Image of foxkoit

ART FINDER limited copy (10 Copy)
Image of foxkoit

ART FINDER limited copy (10 Copy)
Image of foxkoit

ART FINDER limited copy (10 Copy)
Image of foxkoit

ART FINDER limited copy (10 Copy)
Images of foxkoit

ART FINDER limited copy (10 Copy)
Images of foxkoit

Black and White Photography

My name is Koit Ratas , I live in Estonia. I love photography, And I enjoy it.
I believe that images can change the world,
doing so for some time, I understood that photography is an art that deserves a different approach to the spiritual. I started picture taken at the beginning of summer 2014
I make black and white prints,LIMITED PRINTS, and I'm very interested in what you think, if these pictures are good, and if your would be of interest to buy them. I am very grateful for the feedback.

I hope that my photos are enjoyable to allOriginal images.

Instagram @foxkoit
Google+ +Foxkoit
Facebook Koit Ratas


@btotherest This is a Golden Nugget!

hey, i upvoted . and started following you.
pls check my last one too

i have nominated you for the next edition of Golden Nuggets!

Thank you!! I am very Happy that you look my images :))

Thank you!! I am very Happy that you look my images :))

you are welcome! follow me so you wont miss my next post !

Lovely photos, gonna need a verify here tho.

Thank you!! I am very happy that you like it :))

stunning I love your work

Thank you!! I am very happy that you like it :)) I try to post more soon

These are really beautiful. I love black and white too:)

Thank you!! @thecryptofiend you are very kind !

Gorgeous images!

I try to bring them here more .Thank you!! @stephenfrost I am very happy that you like it :)

Thank you!!

I'm blue da-ba di- da-ba dii..

Hi :))) Yes I see

really great work ... congratulations

Thank you!!... you are kind ;)

Hi! I see that you've been posting the same thing multiple times. I understand you are getting frustrated but you may need to have a bit more patience.

Please don't tag #steemit for photography. Tag your content appropriately otherwise its a pain for curators.

The lead tag for this post should have been #photography and not #tree. Kindly remove #steemit from this post.

Thank you!! Yes...I put then ...this Story ;)

Great images!

Thank you!! @russianark :)