So I'm quite pleased with my progress on what was most certainly one of the main jobs of this Winter... planting some fruit trees....
I now have 10 new trees, which I planted about two weeks ago now, and I'm happy to say that it's been raining A LOT over the last few days, so they are really getting a nice soaking and I'm happily imagining their roots burrowing down to find water and stabilise themselves....
I planted on the pre-existing terrace swales which had very handily been prepared by the previous owners, and a great place for a little fruit tree nursery.
Most of them were bare rooted trees and I planted in holes around this large with a little sunken water pipe (it gets HOT here in summer!)
Nine Trees planted in total....
- Two peach trees
- One apricot tree
- two cheery trees
- two almond trees
- one orange tree
- one lemon tree.
I also planted two Chestnut trees, but elsewhere on the land!
Below are just some of the trees I planted and roughly where, I think I got the locations right....
Lower Swale
Cherry tree
Note the mulch which is around every tree, mainly just some partially rotted straw I had!
Peach Tree
I've also got an apricot tree down here too!
Mid Swale
Peach Tree...
Almond Tree
Orange Tree
Upper Swale
Almond Tree
This one survived from last year!
Lemon Tree
Peach Tree
Cherry Tree
Final Thoughts.....
Getting them in at the right time of year is just the start, now I have to monitor them and hope they survive - winter shouldn't be a problem, mor spring, but summer is likely to be challenge as I'm going to have to give them a decent watering twice a week.
If I can get my shit together I'll be able to establish a localised irrigation system and with any should have sufficient water from the well to pump up to my IBCs to keep the trees watered all summer, the amount of rain we've already had this winter certainly bodes well for there being enough stored water to last all summer!
I think nine trees, with two having survived from the previous years gives me 11 fruit trees in total - that is certainly enough to start with for sure!
This is a long term gradual-growth project after all!
Successes in your publication, dear friend @revisesociology in your fruit plantations. These trees always provide important fruris for nutrition. Congratulations, from Venezuela receive my sincere greetings from @omarrojas
No better feeling than seeing them blossom in half a decade or so
I would say I can't wait, but in this case I don't really have much choice!
I have been planning fruit trees, but no where near as exotic. Having done quite well with vegetables for a few years, it struck me that fruit trees and bushes might be possible! I'd love to re-plant the "front" garden on food forest principles, along with the wild pond ... it's the project for after the house is done.
How many trees would you like to have long term? Is this for selling produce as well?
Apples, pears and plums for he UK, Medlar as well is good, and rasberries are basically weeds, blueberries, but they need nets.
Plenty of choice.
I don't really know how many more trees I want to put in, not fruit trees at least, a few more almonds for sure.
I still need to plan it all out!
I've got no plans to sell anything, this will just be for personal use or to give away!
Merry Christmas!
That's cool to be able to grow oranges and lemons outside. They are definitely not on the growing agenda here in wet and windy Wales.
My ultimate dream still remains to grow bananas. Maybe with rising temps we might get there before I am 100.
Do you get any frosts there in winter?
No I can't imagine growing lemons or oranges outside in wales, in a greenhouse though, or indoors for lemons?
There is a slight risk of frost, it actually varies quite a bit depending on the specific microclimate, like one part of my land could be frosty on a few mornings, but where the trees are should be fine!
We have had a few lemons in the conservatory one year. But not managed oranges yet.
Good luck with fruitful harvests to come...