Getting this out took some deep inner soul work because in actual fact I love trees, I talk to them, admire their beauty, breathe in the oxygen they make and hug them. I am proud to say that I belong to the tree lover's group.
But as I walked along yesterday on a 'musing' Monday walk @dswigle, I saw more their tree magnificence, I saw how they worked to enhanced the look of the Resort enticing prospective holiday makers to come and stay.
Then it came to me, trees are much more than what I thought, they have important jobs. Check out this striking Pandanus.

Or how about this big strong paper bark tree that looks like a guard at the gate of this Resort across the road.

Will this photo meet the #monchromeMonday look @old-guy-photos? I thought I would combine this tag with the #treeTuesday tag. I might fall a tad short but to me all the photos seem to have a vivid warm filter.

Round the corner and down the road a tree with amazing spreading branches was working hard to provide a privacy barrier to the same Resort's tennis court. It was a very strategic choice by landscapers because walkers were not peering through the branches at the holiday makers having fun on the tennis court.

But, I did .........

I will always look at trees a little differently from now on, appreciating all they do for us humans and the environment.
A poem as lovely as a tree.
Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918)
Cheers and Blessings

The last look of the Christmas tree before all the decorations and the pretend tree is put away in boxes for the year!

Trees really are something special. I think we all take them for granted from time to time. I really love them, yet when I get too busy, I barely notice them. That is a problem on my end, not theirs. Thankfully they continue right along, doing their thing.
So agree with you, trees are solid and reliable and always there thank goodness.
A lovely tribute to trees Angie. They are the guardians of the earth and need a hug once in awhile. 😊
They do Jo and sorry for not checking this post for your comment 4 days ago.😐
Not to worry Angie. I’m guilty of doing the same. 😊
I feel better already, thank you Jo.
Howdy again angiemitchell! You guys have some tremendous trees down there!
They are beautiful aren't they janton, I am sure you have some beauties too.
I guess we have some decent trees but they aren't as unusual as yours. At least in Texas. We're not very exotic here. lol.
Well you have character with all the rednecks that are around, lol
Haha! That's a good one and very true, we have lots of colorful characters!