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RE: Hail Tree Tuesday!

in #treetuesday6 years ago

It's NEVER a bad time to post a Christmas tree...take it from a professional C.T.F.* They're NEVER out of style. Even in July.
I love your Oak tree, and the rest. What would the world be, without a tree? That should be some kind of bumper sticker.
I love your boulder hat photo. Classic beachware. I really should start looking for boulders for this contest thingy. Then again, a good boulder seems hard to find, at least in the city. At least OUR fair city. Haven't seen a good round rock poking out of the earth's crust for quite some time. (Why DO they call it the earth's CRUST? Sounds like a pie or something.)There's a post there somewhere. Well, I'm rambling on about pastry and planetary coverings here, I must be getting famished for something to eat. Cheers on a nice day in May.

*Christmas Tree Finder