Tall #treetuesday and an Anniversary

in #treetuesday5 years ago


This tall white tree stood out to us on my last walk with Hubby and I knew it was a #treetuesday kind of tree. :)

I had to use the zoom to get a photo of it. I wish we could have gotten closer because the photo doesn't show its true beauty.


I was able to get close to the roots on this one and enjoyed seeing the moss. It's green color was very welcomed with everything so bland and baron.


In the meantime I am longing to see the trees in bloom again. It won't be too long now! :)

#treetuesday was initiated by @old-guy-photos so make sure you pay him a visit.

Happy Anniversary.png

Also, Hubby and I celebrate 14 years since our 1st date today.

I got lucky that day because he is all I could hope for and more. Our personalities still fit each other like a glove, even better after all these years.

We don't have any special plans today but its okay. We'd rather stay home and be safe from the COVID-19 virus this evening. Although, I may see if I can make him up a special dinner. :)

If You Are Reading This, I Hope You Have An Awesome Day!

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Happy anniversary 🥂 and Happy St. Paddy’s Day. ☘️ Nice capture of the tree standing out from the rest with the white bark.

Thanks @redheadpei !! Happy St Paddy's Day to you too.

Most seem to be staying home. Thanks for sharing these photos!

Have a great anniversary you two!

Thanks @enjar ! Since Hubby had pneumonia last winter, I've been trying to keep him as safe as possible. It's not an easy task. Just yesterday he called on his way home to see if we needed anything from the store. I told him to bring his happy butt home and not stop. lol

Happy Anniversary Deb and Jon!! 💖
That is definitely a grand looking tree and came out great with the zoom! Love the pink blooms on the other tree. Some trees here are blooming but so much rain too. I'm gonna try to take a walk around the neighborhood tomorrow weather permitting and feet too! 😊

Thanks!! The pink tree was from last Spring. I can't wait to see those colors again.

You're welcome Deb! I don't blame you one bit! 😉

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment