Tree Tuesday - Anyone for a Game of Conkers?

in #treetuesday7 years ago

Beautiful Sweet Chestnut Tree in Autumn ColorIt's conker season! Conkers is a traditional children's game dating back to at least the early 1800s in Britain and Ireland played using the seeds of chestnut trees. The game is played by two players, each with a conker threaded onto a piece of string: they take turns striking each other's conker until one of them breaks. If you happened to see the BBC series Larkrise to Candleford, you may remember the humorous scenes involving a game of conkers.

Here's what 'conkers' or chestnuts look like in the shell

Here's a peak inside.......


I played it here when I was a kid in good old USA.

Beautiful pictures @eyeofthe storm! What beautiful pictures. I will have to see someone play conkers. It sounds like a lof of fun for children.

Your job must be keeping you busy. Hopefully you are making a great transition into your new job. Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week ahead. Please take care and it is great to see you posting!!! :D

Thank you so much cabbagepatch. Yes, I've been a bit swamped with the new job, but I do hope to have a couple of posts up this week and to post more regularly again. I hope all is well with you my friend. :D

I was very sick for two weeks so I haven't been on Steemit until today. I just let me voting bot vote. I had a viral infection that literally knocked me off my feet. It may take awhile to get back up to par. Hope you are doing well with your job. Please take care too!

I'm so sorry to hear you weren't feeling well cabbagepatch, but I'm glad you're doing better. It seems like there's quite a lot going around fairly early this cold/flu season. The new job is keeping me busy but I am hoping to do more regular posts on steemit, or at least keeping up with commenting and upvoting. Take good care of yourself and take it slow.

More interesting information from you! I had no idea about that game "Conkers"and that chestnuts looked that way in the shell. Our games were so much fun back in the good 'ole days. : )

I agree whatisnew. I think kids had a lot more fun with simple games, using imagination and just running around outdoors. Thanks for stopping by. I've been busy with a new job, but hope to get some new posts up later this week.

I was wondering what happened to you. I have been checking your blog to see your posts every day and I am happy that nothing serious happened to you. Best wishes for you and your new job and I will be looking forward to your posts. : )

Thank you whatisnew. I'm going to try and post more regularly if I can, and at least comment and upvote too. Thanks so much for the good wishes - they mean a lot : )

Yay! You post again 😍. What a beautiful tree 😍

Thank you dewdrop ---I just started a new job so I've been a bit busy but hope to get some new posts up this week. Thank you for stopping by - it means a lot