Happy Tuesday to all. Time to talk trees.
Trees play a vital role in keeping our #environment clean and oxygenated. They add beauty to the landscape, provide shelter for our feathered and furry friends, as well as food for our four legged friends also. The white tailed deer here in Upstate NY love to eat the wild berries as well as the tender new growth of pine trees, small fruit trees and pretty much any green that they can reach during the cold, snowy months.
Trees also provide lumber to build our homes, heat our homes, cook with outdoors, like when we make our maple syrup, and also that bonfire to roast marshmallows when the kids are here. TREES provide a ton.
Back during the winter months, I did a post about a very special tree. It's a miniature weeping pussy willow. A very unusual tree indeed. It was planted on our #homestead about 10 years ago in memory of my dad, who had passed away that year.
Every year in late fall, this little guy needs to be pruned. All the under growth dies off. In order for this tree to maintain it's strength and shape, the dead branches need to be clipped.
It's the kind of chore I enjoy, so I #diy. Using a long handled, heavy duty clipper, I go for it.
Now this tree is not very tall, so it's a little tricky getting under the umbrella of branches, to clip away the dead ones. Luckily I didn't get my eye poked out.🙄
There was a lot of dead branches to clip away, so it took some time to accomplish the task. But once I started to clear some away, the job got easier. What's so cool about this rather weird but wonderful tree, is how the branches bend, twist and shout, turn all about. It's a living wood sculpture.
Once all the dead branches were clipped away, I mulched the base of the tree with hay. This will help protect the roots during the cold winter months. After some raking and picking up of the dead stuff, it was time to add the final touches.
Some colorful fall decorations, just for the fun of it.
I am so glad that the deer don't care much for this crazy, little tree. I think they know it's one that is dear to my heart, or maybe my dad is keeping his eye on it for me.
Now this guy is scouting out what's for lunch. Our newest trees for this year were planted in early spring, they were white pines. If left untreated, they would be bald by now. We use a mixture of milk and eggs to spray the baby trees, this keeps the deer away, yet leaves no chemical residue to pollute our #ecosystem.
A huge shout out to our friend @old-guy-photos, for hosting this interesting and enjoyable event #treetuesday.
Wishing you all a blessed week.
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Nice post @farm-mom. It's hard to believe it has been ten years since your Dad passed. For anyone reading this post, and wondering what is the ratio of eggs to the milk for the deer repellent, it's 6 eggs to a quart of milk. The stuff works great and dries within a half of an hour after applying. If you use this solution 3 or 4 times a year, you'll be good to go.
Hey friend, thanks for putting up the ratio, it's important. That mix really works wonders. I remember when we would only come up on weekends and find all our saplings GONE. We have learned a lot in 40 years, we are getting good at this #homesteading stuff. 😘
What a beautiful act of love for your dad, and what a wonderful way to honour his memory. The deer? Silent witnesses and spirit guides. Hugs to you.
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It's so nice to hear you say that, my dad was such a loving father to seven children. But, he secretly told me I was his favorite🥰. He and my mom were such wonderful people, I miss them.
So, I have been making gardens and planting trees for those I love, when they pass away.
Time just ticks away, but sweet memories last an eternity and beyond. Hugs back at you, we always say to new friends, we are huggers, not shakers. Peace be with you and yours.☮
Loved this post. I also like pruning away deadwood! I love how you decorated afterward. Milk and eggs is not one I've heard of, but I can see how it would deter deer.
We have a lot of deer here, but knock wood, in 35 years they've never bothered the gardens. I guess the lush pastures keep they happy. That's where we always see them, daily.