For real.... it doesn't spin that fast. LOL ! That would make me dizzy !
It spins slowly and is very pretty.
My Grandmother, Betty, lived alone after her one and only husband died. He died when my Dad was 15. It was not an easy marriage I was to learn later and when he was gone, she never remarried. Back in the 60's when the aluminum trees became all the rage, she got one. The ornaments she used were all medium sized, blue shiny balls. I was always fascinated with it, the color wheel slowly turning, changing the color on the silvery needles. That is why this much later in my life, my fond memories of it spurred me to want one for myself.
But this little story is not about her.

Two years ago I finally became ready to hunt a true vintage tree and spend whatever it took to get one. (ok.. two.. .but who's counting???).... and one of the trees I found on ebay, was the one you see here.
Because I am a VERY curious person.... I wished to know it's history, so I messaged the seller after I received it and asked if they knew any history on the tree. Lots of folks buy from estates and the such to resell and don't know much about what they sell, but I took the chance and was happy I did.

The seller told me that when she and her brother were in elementary school, their school did not have enough funds for Christmas decorations and the such, so their mother, Rosie, bought two of these trees to put in their classrooms at school. She said they lived behind the school and her mother never drove, so she put them in a wagon and pulled them over to the school and set them up. The whole class really loved these sparkly wonders.
Once it began, her mother brought them every year after as long as they were in elementary school.
She also said that she and her brother were never really popular for much of anything else, except that they were the children whose mother brought those beautiful trees at Christmas time.
Rosie had kept the trees through the years and had passed away just a few years before. The seller also said that the matching tree was up and glowing in their den as they wrote their response.
Wasn't that a fun little story.... and a sweet history?
So now I have the color wheel and turning base plugged into one of my smart plugs and it makes me happy in the evening when I tell Alexa to "turn on Rosie's Tree". 😊

This year I decided to only use the red mat finished ornaments that I used for something else last year. It kind of matches my valance and the chair cushions and some of my art, but I had not thought of all that when I decided to use them.

Last year I used red AND green shiny ornaments and I liked it like that too!

I did get a second tree that year and had them both out for that season. The other is an Evergleam and has more limbs, but this one is my favorite not only because of the Rosie story, but because the needles are curled and bouncy like the one my Grandmother had. The needles on the Evergleem are more straight instead of curled but are also VERY shiny and deserving of their EverGLEEM name !

It is so easy to set up and take down, which is another plus. I also bought a vintage tree turner base for mine, so the tree turns while the color changes and ..... it really makes me happy to look at it.
Hope you are all doing well and that your hearts are happy.
Love you !
This is the most beautiful #TreeTuesday post! I love it and adore the story of Rosies Tree.
I love how you have the place all fixed up now! Looks really pretty and the red accents are just so lovely. Thank you for showing off your silver tree! You know I love it!
Thank you .... it makes my heart glow! I think somewhere, Rosie's spirit is happy that her story got passed along with her tree.
I am liking how the place is slowly coming together. I take forever to decide how I "feel" about what goes where.....LOL.... It's getting happier and happier around here !
I knew you would love it just like I do.
You make me want to go aluminum tree shopping! I've told you before that my grandparents had one too and I got to help decorate it every year. The color wheel made it look magical!
I love the story of Rosie's tree!
I think you should have one.
There have been a few things, like this tree, that I thought on through the years, but finances and my "better judgement" kept me from pursuing them. After my brother passed, something in me decided (not all at once but...).... that a few of those things I ALWAYS wanted.... I was going to have ! Life is too short not too. This is one of them.
There IS something magical about those color wheels for sure.
My uncle had an aluminum tree and color wheel since I could remember as a kid. I am still sick that I ended up after he passed putting it out on the curb. I can only hope someone more knowledgeable than I, picked it up.
Back in the day there were SO many, my understanding is they practically gave them away in yard sales and the such. Who knew they would be such a sought after item this many years later. Probably because they were popular and now nostalgic with the baby boomers.